Growth Of Nationalism Flashcards
When was INC established?
Define nationalism
The feeling of oneness and common conciousness that emerges when people living in a common territory have the same political historical, and cultural background have the same cultural values and consider themselves as one nation
Factors leading to growth of nationalism
- Economic exploitation
- Repressive Colonial Policies
3- Socio-Religious reform movements
What were the repressive Colonial Policies?
- Grand Delhi Durbar (1877) to make Victoria Empress
- Vernacular Press Act (1878)
- Indian Arms act (1878)
- Age limit for ICS exam from 21 to 19
- CP Ilbert bill (1883) _ Trial of British persons by Indians.
Why did the CP Ilbest bill fail?
The British started a defence association to protect their special privileges.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
unity of all religions
wrote ‘Gift to Monotheists’ in german
Supported single god
started Atmiya sabha in 1815
Against idol worship and rituals
Founded Brahmo Samaj(1828)
Abolition of sati and purdah
with william Bentinck, Sati was banned in 1829
started “Samwad Kaumudi” and “Miratul Akhbar”
Demanded abolition of Company’s trading rights , judicial equality, trial by jury
Jyotiba Phule
Started girls’ school in Pune ((848)
Widow remarriage movement in Maharashtra
Wrote “Ghulamgiri”
Founded satya Shodak Samaj (1873)
What was the Role of Press?
- : Patriotism and modern liberal ideas were spread
- Criticised unjust British policies and exposed their true nature
- Exchange of views among different social groups
- Spread Awareness
When and by whom was the foundation of Indian National Union laid?
In 1884, by AO Hume
When was the conference of INU convened ?
December 25 1885 But, plague had broken out in Pune so the meeting was held at Gokuldas Tejpal sanskrit College (Mumbai) between Dec 28 to 31
Who presided over INU conference?
Womesh Chandra Bonnerjee
There were 72 delegates.
when was the foundation of INC laid, by whom?
dec 28, 1885, by Dadabhai Naorji
Aims of Indian National Congress.
- Promote friendly relations bW nationalist political workers
- Develop feelings of national unity
- Formulate popular demands and present them before government
- Train and organise public opinion
First session of INC
Presided by: WC Bonnerjee
72 delegates (Dadabhai, KT Telang , Pherozshah Mehta G. Subramanianlyer Justice Ranade)
Second session of INC
1886 in Kolkata
Presided by Dadabhai N
Surat Session
23 session of INC
President: Rash behari Ghosh
Early and Assertive nationalists Split.
first political association to be started in India and when
Landholder’s Society in Kolkata, in 1838
examples of public associations
- east india association
- Bengal British India Society
- British Indian Association
- Indian Association (1876)
- Indian National Conference (1883)
when, where and by whom was east India Association founded
in 1866, in London, by Dadabhai Naorji
branches in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai
who headed the Indian Association
Surendranath Banerjee
objectives of Indian Association
- creating a strong body of public opinion
- integration of Indian people on the basis of common political interests
- promotion of friendly relations between hindu and muslims
- mass participation in public movements
achievements of indian association
launched agitations against License act, Vernacular Press Act, Arms act, lowering of age for ICS exam. (failed to attain all india character)
who convened Indian National Conference
Surendranath Banerjee, in 1883
When did Indian National Congress merge with Indian National Conference
explain economic exploitation
- peasants: british took away most of their produce by high land revenue and taxes
- artisans and craftsmen: india became a market for raw materials for the industries of the british, and a market for finished process. this destroyed the handicrafts industries
- working class: exploited by factory owners, wh were englishmen
- educated indians: could not join civil services as competition was high and chances of promotion were weak. they hoped that british capitalism would improve india’s productive forces, but the policies were keeping them emotionally stagnant