The Union Parliament Flashcards
define federalism
A system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and various constituent units of the country
define parliament
the body of people’s representatives who have supreme power of governance in a democratic country
during emergency, term of lok sabha can be…
extended by parliament for one year at a time. new lok sabha must be elected withing 6 months after emergency is lifted
composition of lok sabha
maximum strenght is 550
1. representing state (530)
2. representing UTs(20)
qualifications of members of lok sabha
- indian citizen
- 25 years of age
- should not be in debt
- should be on voters list
- not a criminal
- not be of unsound mind
- not be under any office of profit of government
what are some parliamentary procedures
- session
- quorum
- question hour
- zero hour
President summons each house of parliament. They meet twice a year(interval less than six months)
Normally, three sessions in a year
what are the three sessions?
- Budget (Feb-may)
- monsoon (july-august)
- winter (november-december)
Minimum number of members to be present in order to enable the house to transact its business. (one-tenths of total membership)
Question Hour
the first hour of every working day of the lok sabha is reserved for questions unless declared otherwise by the speaker (11 am)
10 days notice to be given for a question
define interpellation
the right of the members to ask questions from the government
three types of Questions
- STARRED: when member wishes to have oral answers on the floor of the house. supplementary questions may be asked.
- UNSTARRED: answers are given in written form; no supplementary questions
- SHORT NOTICE: Urgent importance; notice of ten days not needed; up to the Minister whether or not to answer the question
Zero hour
12 pm- 1 pm
members can raise all kinds of questions, without permission or prior notice
define Motion
proposal made by a member that a house should take up a particular matter of public importance
Adjournment Motion
a motion to lay aside all other business and take up a definite matter of urgent importance.
No-confidence motion
proposal expressing the lack of confidence in a Ministry
it is moved by the Opposition
the motion is moved only when 50 members support it
motion has to be discussed within 10 days
define Adjournment
suspension of the sitting of the house by the speaker (Power to speaker)
define Prorogation
termination of session of parliament (power belongs to President)
presiding officer of lok sabha
speaker (not answerable to anyone but the House)
election of Speaker
elected from among its own members when the house meets for the first time. speaker does not vacate office when House is dissolved, and remains till a new speaker is elected.
Functions of business of the speaker
- presides over all meetings
- interprets the rules of procedure of House
- all bills are signed by them
- decides admissibility of questions and resolutions
- decides whether a bill is a money bill or not
Administrative functions of speaker
- receives petitions and documents to the house
- communicates decisions of the house to concerned authorities
- regulates admission of visitors and press correspondents.
disciplinary functions of the speaker
- maintains order in the house
- in case words used by a member are indecent, speaker can expunge the words from proceedings of house
- decides whether there is a case for a matter relating to a breach of privilege or contempt of the house.
- when a member is disqualified under anti-deflection law, question is referred to decision of the speaker.
parliamentary committees of the speaker
- speaker is ex-officio chairman of the committees of house
- appoints chairmen for committees
- issues directions to the chairman
miscellaneous functions of the speaker
- presides over joint sessions of both houses of parliament
- in consultation with chairman, they nominate personnel for delegates to countries
- presides over conference of presiding officers of legislative bodies in india
what does Rajya Sabha represent?
federation of States of the Indian Union
composition of Rajya Sabha
250 members
1. 12 nominated by President having experience in literature, science, art, and social service
2. 238 members are elected by States in the Union, based on population of each state
election of rajya sabha
elected by elected members of SLA in accordance with system of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote
term of rajya sabha
-cannot be dissolved by lok sabha
- six years elected
- 1/3 members retire after every two years
qualifications for rajya sabha
- indian citizen
- 30 years of age
- should not be an insolvent
- should not be a criminal
- should not hold an office of profit under the government
- name should be in electoral rolls
- not be of unsound mind
presiding officers of rajya sabha
- vice president (ex-officio chairman)
- deputy chairman elected by Rajya Sabha
the parliament is competent to make laws on what issues (legislative powers)
- matters in union list (defence banking, communications, foreign affairs)
- matters in concurrent lists (education, forests, adoption, trade union)
- residuary powers
- matters in state list (agriculture, animal husbandry, local government police, public health), only during emergency/national importance/when 2 or more states promote legislation, but only applicable to consenting states
- ordinances (promulgate ordinance when not in session)
- powers during emergency
financial powers of parliament
- budget
- supplementary grants
- vote on account
- salaries
- permission for taxes
judicial powers of the parliament
- impeachment of president
- removal of judges
- punishment for disrespecting the house
control over the executive (parliament functions)
- interpellation (question hour, calling attention notices, half-an-hour discussion)
- vote of no-confidence
- adjournment motion (for censuring the acts of omission and commission of ministers)
- other motions of censure (against minister, rejection of government bill, passing of a private member’s will against wishes of government)
- monetary controls
exclusive powers of the rajya sabha
- the rajya sabha may, by a resolution adopted by two-thirds majority, empower the parliament to make laws with respect to a matter in the state list.
- declare that the creation of new All-India Services be made in national interest
- if Lok Sabha is dissolved before or after a national emergency, rajya sabha becomes the sole de facto and de jure of the parliament.
exclusive powers of the lok sabha
- motions of no-confidence
- money bills can only be introduced in lok sabha
- in case of deadlock over non-financial bill, will of the lok sabha prevails