The First war of Independence Flashcards
When did this war take place?
Causes of the war
political, socio- religious, economic, military
What were the political causes ?
- Policy of expansion (outright wars, subsidiary alliance, doctrine of lapse, alleged misrule)
- Disrespect to Bahadur shah
- Treatment of Nana Saheb
- Absentee sovereignty of British
When was Battle of Plassey?
What happened in battle of Buxar?
in 1764, British took over Bengal, Bihar, and Odisha
Anglo-Mysore wars
1767-1799 ) Mysore was annexed
Third Anglo- Maratha war
1817-1818 → Maratha territory
Second Anglo- Sikh war
1849 → Punjab
Who introduced subsidiary alliance?
Lord Wellesley
Define subsidiary alliance
subsidiary alliance was an agreement between East India Company and Indian Princely States by virtue of which these states lost their sovereignty (power of a ruler to rule independently without any outside interference ) to the British.
Rulers who agreed to Subsidiary alliance had to …
l. Accept British as supreme power
2. Manage British troops at their own cost
3. Lost independence
4. Surrendered their foreign relations to East India company
Treaty of Allahabad
Awad h entered into subsidiary alliance. . The Company defended the frontiers as long as the Nawab paid for the expenses.
When was Awadh annexed and Why
In 1856, due to misrule
Who started Doctrine of lapse?
Lord Dalhousie
Define doctrine of lapse
If an Indian ruler died without a male heir, his kingdom would come under the Company’s territory in India. The Regal titles of Nawab of Carnatic and Tangore were taken away.
Hardships faced by people of Awadh.
- Higher land revenue
- Unemployment
3-Lands of the zamindars were confiscated
- Unemployment
- Sepoys had to join company’s army
Where was Nana Sabeb forced to live?
At Kanpur.
This was resented by the Marathas.
What is absentee sovereignty of British?
India was ruled by the British government from England, thousands of miles away
What are the socio-religious causes?
I. Interference with customs
2. Apprehensions about modern innovations
3. Policy of racial discrimination
4. Corruption in administration
5. Western education
6. Oppression of poor
When was sati abolished?
When was the Widow Remarriage Act?
What happened during the Charter Act?
in 1813, it led to an increase in the number and activities of Christian missionaries
What is Law of Property?
It enabled a convert from Hinduism to another religion to inherit his father’s property
What were the economic causes?
- Exploitation of Economic resources
- Drain of wealth
- Decay of AHandicrafts
- Economic decline of peasantry
- Decline of Aristocracy
- Unemployment
- Harsh treatment of Indigo cultivators
- poverty and famines
Define drain of wealth
The transfer of wealth from India to England for which India got no proportionate economic return
What is Economic decline of Peasantry?
Increase in land revenue forced Peasants into debt and selling their lands
What is landed Aristocracy decline?
According to Inam Commission (1852) , 20,000 estates were confiscated because the owners could not produce title deeds. These lands were sold at a public auction.
What are military causes?
- Ill treatment of Indian soldiers
- General Service Enlistment Act
- More indians in British army
- No promotions.
- No allowances
- Faulty distribution of troops
- Poor performance of British troops
- Low salaries.
When was General Service Enlistment Act passed?
What did the Post Office Act do?
In 1854, it withdrew the free postage privilege of the sepoys.
What were the consequences of the First war?
- End of Company’s rule
- End of Mughals and Pesh was
- Racial Antagonism
h. Queen Victoria’s Proclamation - Change in religions
- Growth of nationalism
y. Relations with princely states - Divide and rule
When was Government of India Act?
1. Transferred power from Company to the Crown
2 A member of the British Cabinet was made the Secretary of State and was appointed an Indian Council
3. Actual governance was carried out by the viceroy
4. Appointments to Civil Services were made by open competition.
When was the transfer of governance made public?
In Allahabad, On Nov.7,1858, by Lord Canning
What did victoria’s proclamation promise?
- Non_ intervention in social and religious matters
- Equality
- General pardon to those who participated in war
- advance industries of India
- Promote works of public utility
Where was Bahadur shah II deported?
When did Victoria assume title of Empress?
How was.the Indian army reorganized after 1858?
1, Ratio of Europeans to Indians changed
2. Europeans were kept in key military ‘positions
3. Weapons were never placed under the charge of indians
4. Discrimination continued in recruitment
5. The press were kept away from sepoys
How were Indians exploited economically after the revolt?
I. India became colonial economy
2. Salaries of Secretary of State, council, and civil servants drained resources
3. Poverty of peasants
4. Handicrafts industry was destroyed.
b. Indians had to pay high interest