Major Agencies of UN Flashcards
UNICEF full form
united nations international children’s emergency fund
headquarters of UNICEF
New York
objective of UNICEF
look after children’s welfare especially in developing countries by providing people with low-cost community based services in maternal and child health, nutrition, and immunisation
functions of UNICEF
- protection of children in respect of their survival, health, well-being
- provides funds for training personnel, including health and sanitation workers, teachers and nutritionists
- provides technical supplies, equipment, other aids, paper or textbooks, equipment and medicines, health clinics
- assists governments to plan, develop and extend community-based services in the fields of maternal and child health, nutrition, clean water and sanitation
- provides help to children and mothers during emergencies
- prevents TB, malaria, eye diseases, skin diseases
when was WHO established
April 7, 1948
Geneva, switzerland
functions of WHO
- helps countries improve their health system by building up infrastructure especially manpower, institutions and services for the individual and community
- gives important drugs needed for medical care
- promotes research to prevent and cure diseases
- providing safe drinking water and adequate waste disposal
- organises conferences, seminars, training for healthcare personnel from different countries
- aims at fighting diseases and preventing them from spreading
health journals published by WHO
Bulletin Of World Health Organization
Public Health Panorama
full form of UNESCO
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
when was UNESCO established
4th November, 1946
objectives of UNESCO
contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture, and communication
Paris, France
educational functions of UNESCO
- removal of illiteracy by encouraging adult education, distance education, open school system
- emphasis on education of women and girls
- financial assistance of the education of disabled children
- provision of grants and fellowships to teachers and scholars, organising library systems, promotion of international understanding through education
- organising book fairs and festivals at international and national levels
- encouragement of science education by providing regional training centres
scientific functions of UNESCO
- organises seminars and conferences of scientists of various countries, circulates info through journals like ‘Courier’
- promotes basic research in geology, math, physics, oceanography
- correcting imbalance in scientific and technological manpower, because 90% of trained manpower is only in industrialised countries
- encourages study of social sciences in order to focus attention on combating all forms of discrimination, improving status of women, helping youth solve their problems
communication functions of UNESCO
- set up regional networks, trained technicians and deals with hardware and software aspects of informatics
- improves quality of press, films, video services
- assists developing countries to develop communication
- upholds freedom of press and independence of media
preservation of cultural heritage by UNESCO
1.provides technical advice and assistance, equipment and funds for the preservation of monuments and other works of art
2. protect world inheritance of books, art, rare manuscripts
3. gives encouragement to artistic creations in literature and fine arts
4. pays attention towards cultural development through medium of films
5. sends cultural missions to different countries so that there would be development of contracts which may promote peace and prosperity