Unit 7 Flashcards
Teaching children the values, roles, and behaviors of their culture.
Authoritarian Parenting
Style of parenting in which parents show high levels of control and low levels of warmth toward their children.
Authoritative Parenting
Style of parenting in which parents use a moderate amount of control and are warm and responsive to their children.
Permissive Parenting
Style of parenting in which parents offer warmth and caring but little control over their children.
Uninvolved Parenting
Style of parenting in which parents provide neither warmth nor control and minimize the time they spend with their children.
Direct Instruction
Telling the child what to do, when, and why.
Learning what should not be done by observing the behavior.
Consequence that increases the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated in the future.
Application of an aversive stimulus (eg., a spanking) or removal of an attractive stimulus (eg., TV viewing).
Negative Reinforcement Trap
Unwittingly reinforcing a behavior you want to discourage.
Punishment that involves removing children who are misbehaving from a situation to a quiet, unstimulating environment.
Open Adoption
An adoption in which adopted children (and their adoptive families) communicate with the children’s birth family.
Joint Custody
Custody agreement in which both parents retain legal custody of their children following divorce.
Blended Family
Family consisting of a biological parent, a stepparent, and children.
Ego Resilience
Person’s ability to respond adaptively and resourcefully to new situations.