Unit 14 Flashcards
People who study population trends.
Population Pyramid
Graphic technique for illustrating population trends.
Average Longevity
Age at which half of the people born in a particular year will have died.
Maximum Longevity (Life Expectancy)
Oldest age to which any person lives.
Active Life Expectancy
Number of years that a person is free from debilitating chronic disease and impairment.
Dependent Life Expectancy
Number of years a person lives with a debilitating chronic disease in which the person depends on others for care.
Tips of chromosomes that play a major role in aging by adjusting the cell’s response to stress and growth stimulation based on cell divisions and DNA damage.
Enzyme need in DNA replication to fully reproduce the telomeres when cells divide.
Free Radicals
Highly reactive chemicals produced randomly in normal metabolism.
Neurofibrillary Tangles
Spiral-shaped masses formed when fibers that compose the axon become twisted together.
A protein that is the basis for neuritic plaques and is thought to be a basis for dementia.
Chemicals released by neurons in order for them to communicate with each other.
A disease caused by calcification and blockages in the arteries.
Strokes, or Cerebral Vascular Accidents (CVAs)
Interruption of the blood flow in the brain due to blockage or a hemorrhage in a cerebral artery.
Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs)
Interruption of blood flow to the brain; often an early warning sign of stroke.
Vascular Dementia
Disease caused by numerous small cerebral vascular accidents.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Most common form of incapacitating respiratory disease among older adults.
Difficult seeing close objects clearly.
Opaque spots on the lens that limit the amount of light transmitted.