Unit 5: The Rise of Sparta Study Questions Flashcards
What were some of the defining features of Spartan government?
Sparta had a mixed government with two kings, a council of elders (gerousia), an assembly (apella), and five powerful officials (ephors) who enforced laws and controlled daily life.
What were some of the defining features of Spartan society?
Spartan society was militaristic, hierarchical, and communal. Citizens (Spartiates) trained as warriors, while helots (serfs) provided labor. Women had more freedoms than in other Greek city-states.
What were the goals of the Spartan system?
To create a disciplined, self-sufficient warrior society focused on military excellence, social unity, and the suppression of helot revolts.
How were Spartan boys and girls educated for their roles in society?
Boys entered the agoge at age 7 for rigorous military training, discipline, and endurance. Girls trained in physical fitness and household management to produce strong future warriors.
What is meant by the ‘Spartan mirage’?
The idea that Sparta was an idealized, disciplined, and invincible society, often exaggerated or misrepresented by ancient and modern writers.
What aspects of the Spartan experiment do you think were most successful and which would you consider failures or at least problematic?
Successes: Military dominance, social unity, and strong women’s roles. Failures: Dependence on helots, lack of cultural and economic development, rigid system leading to decline.