Unit 4 AC3.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of agencies in achieving social control Flashcards
What are the social control responsibilities of the police?
The police are responsible for the majority of the detection, investigation, and prevention of crime.
Which other agencies are responsible for investigating specific crimes?
Other agencies responsible for investigating specific crimes include HM Revenue for tax evasion, the Department of Work and Pensions for benefit fraud, and more.
What progress has the police made in prioritizing offenses of public concern?
The police have made progress in prioritizing some offenses of public concern.
Can you provide an example of an offense of public concern that the police have addressed?
An example of an offense of public concern is the increasing reporting and recording of domestic abuse cases.
How has the recording of crimes by the police changed in recent years?
The police may be better at recording crimes now, leading to an increase in the number of recorded crimes.
What are the limitations of the police?
Limitations include falling arrest rates, failure to use bail conditions to protect victims, staff shortages, and more.
What criticisms exist regarding the efficiency of the police in investigating offenses?
Some claim that the police are inefficient or incompetent in investigating offenses, as highlighted by the Macpherson Report’s findings.
What are the current trends in crime rates and their clearance rates?
Recent trends show an increase in recorded crimes until 2020/21, likely influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, and a decline in clearance rates.
How many cases do the police drop?
The In the period 2014
2016 the Metropolitan Police screened out around one third
of the 2.2m crimes reported.
How do financial circumstances affect the ability of the police to achieve social control?
Budget cuts affect the police’s ability to achieve social control, leading to dropped investigations and prioritization based on limited resources.
Should PRC data be considered accurate?
PRC data should be approached with caution regarding accuracy.
What evidence counters the claim of increasing crime rates?
Counter evidence from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) suggests that the overall number of crimes may not be increasing.
What concerns exist regarding racism and bias within the police?
Concerns exist regarding racism and bias within the police, particularly related to tasers, stop and search practices, and recruitment.
How does media reporting impact the perception of police effectiveness?
Media reporting can influence the perception of police effectiveness and has faced criticism, such as in the Sir Cliff Richard case.
What is the role of the CPS in social control?
The CPS acts as the main prosecutor for England and Wales.
What are the aims of the CPS?
The CPS aims to achieve social control by preparing cases and presenting them in court to secure the conviction of offenders.
How many cases does the CPS prosecute annually?
The CPS prosecutes a significant number of cases annually, both in Crown Court and magistrate’s courts.
What percentage of defendants prosecuted by the CPS are convicted?
A high percentage of defendants prosecuted by the CPS result in convictions.
What are the limitations of the CPS in terms of prosecutions and convictions?
The CPS faces limitations in terms of prosecutions and convictions, including the impact of COVID-19 on case volumes and conviction rates.
What criticisms exist regarding the effectiveness of the CPS?
The CPS has faced criticism in media reports, particularly in handling rape cases and concerns over dropping weak cases to improve conviction rates.
How are judges often represented in media images?
They are represented as old, white, upper-class males.
Are judges perceived as being out of touch with modern society?
They are often seen as out of touch with modern society.
What criticisms exist regarding judges being described as “soft on crime” and having lenient sentences?
They are criticized for being soft on crime and having lenient sentences.
Can you provide an example of a judge who was perceived as out of touch with modern times?
Judge Pickles said, “Who are the Beatles?”, indicating a lack of familiarity with modern times.