Unit 4 AC3.2 Describe the contribution of agencies to achieving social control Flashcards
What are behavioural tactics?
Ways agencies change behavior to conform to social norms and laws.
When were CBOs and Civil Injunctions introduced?
Introduced in 2012 by Theresa May.
What is the aim of Civil Injunctions?
Deal with low-level nuisance and annoyance.
What are the consequences of breaching a Civil Injunction?
Up to 2 years in prison for adults, 3-month detention for under 18s.
What is the process for obtaining a Civil Injunction?
Engage in conduct causing annoyance or nuisance, agency applies for injunction, court grants injunction.
What is the aim of CBOs?
Deal with seriously anti-social behaviors causing distress.
What are the consequences of breaching a CBO?
Up to 2 years in prison for adults, 1-2 years’ detention for under 18s.
What are the positive requirements of a CBO?
Require positive actions to improve behavior, e.g., drug treatment, fixing property damage.
What are the negative requirements of a CBO?
Prohibit certain actions, e.g., staying away from a place, avoiding certain people.
What is a token economy?
Behavior modification program in prisons and institutions.
What are the aims of a token economy?
Shape behavior for social control, reward conformity.
Who developed the operant learning theory that underpins the Token Economy program?
B.F. Skinner.
How is social control achieved in a token economy?
List of desired behaviors, tokens for compliance, exchange for rewards.
How effective are token economies?
Reinforce desirable behavior, discourage undesirable behavior.
What did the HOBBS and HOLT study find about token economies?
Behavior change lasted during the study period.
What is a limitation of token economies outside of prison?
Desirable behaviors may disappear without reinforcement.
How do offenders who have gone through token economy programs compare to those who haven’t?
Take longer to return to crime.
What is a risk associated with token economy programs in prisons?
Focus on institution’s needs over inmates’ rehabilitation.
What could be a reason for prisoners changing their behavior in a token economy program?
Gain attention rather than tokens.
What institutions use token economies?
Prisons, young offender institutions, psychiatric hospitals.
What does CPTED stand for?
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design.
Who is Oscar Newman?
He is an architect known for his work on defensible spaces and their impact on crime rates.
What are indefensible spaces?
They are confused spaces where crime is more likely to occur, such as stairwells and anonymous walkways.
What are defensible spaces?
They have clear boundaries and a lower crime rate, with features like territoriality and natural surveillance.