Unit 3 topic 2- Process of Visual Perception Flashcards
What is Visual Sensation
captured light information from environment by eye
What is Visual Perception
meaningfully interpreting visual stimuli.
1st step of process
What is reception
light captured by sensory receptors in eye
receive electromagnetic energy by photoreceptors
what is a photoreceptor
cell in retina responding to light
low level of light intake, no colour vision (for peripheral vision)
Respond well in bright light
Responsible for colour and central vision
2nd step of process
What is transduction
Convert light energy to electro-chemical energy that can be processed by the brain
3rd step of process
What is transmission
sending visual sensory information to primary visual cortex in occipital lobe
4th step of process
What is selection
process of differentiating various components that make up visual image using feature detector neurons
5th step of process
what is organisation
resembling visual elements of visual stimuli into one meaningful image
6th step of process
what is interpretation
process of assigning meaning to a visual stimuli using depth cues, visual constancies, perceptual set and culture.