UNIT 3 - physical training Flashcards
A state of complete emotional, physical and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity
The ability to meet/ cope with the demands of the environment
The ability to move and change direction quickly (at speed) whilst maintaining control
The maintenance of the centre of mass over the base of support
Cardiovascular Endurance
The ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the working muscles
The ability to use different (two or more) parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently
The range of movement possible at a joint
Muscular Endurance
The ability of a muscle or muscle group to undergo repeated contractions avoiding fatigue
The product of strength and speed (strength x speed)
Reaction Time
The time taken to initiate a response to a stimulus
The ability to overcome resistance
The maximum rate at which an individual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a period of time (speed= distance/ time)
Static Balance
Keeping the body stable whilst stationary
Dynamic Balance
Maintaining a controlled and stable position whilst moving
Maximal Strength
The largest force possible in a single maximal contraction
Dynamic Strength
Performing strength activities repeatedly
Explosive Strength
Performing strength activities quickly
Static Strength
The ability to hold a body part (limb) in a static position
Qualitative data
A measure of opinions. More of a subjective than objective appraisal relating to quality of a performance rather than the quantity
Quantitative data
A measurement which has been quantified as a number (e.g time in seconds, or goals scored)
Matching training to the particular requirements of an activity
Progressive Overload
Working harder than normal whilst gradually and sensibly increasing the intensity of training
If an individual stops or decreases their training level, then fitness and performance are likely to drop
Being bored and demotivated with training
FIIT Principle
Training principle linked to progressive overload, based on frequency, intensity, time, and type
Maximum heart rate - calculation
220 - age =___bpm
Aerobic training zone (60-80% of max heart rate) - calculation
60% –> MHR/100 x 0.6 =____bpm
80% –> MHR/100 x 0.8 =____bpm
Anaerobic training zone (80-90% of max heart rate) - calculation
80% –> MHR/100 x 0.8 =____bpm
90% –> MHR/100 x 0.9 =____bpm
Circuit Training
A series of exercises performed one after the other with a rest in between
Continuous Training
Exercising for a sustained period of time without rest
Fartlek Training
Training where speed and terrain are constantly changing
Interval Training
Training method that incorporates periods of work followed by periods of rest
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
An exercise strategy altering periods of short intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery period
Static Stretching
Stretching to the limit and holding the stretch isometrically
Weight/ resistance Training
Uses progressive resistance to build on muscle strength or muscular endurance
Plyometric Training
Jumping and bounding exercises where muscles use maximum force in a short interval of time
Altitude Training
An aerobic training technique that involves training at high-altitude, 2000m above sea level