Umsebenzi kaMama noBaba Flashcards
mother goes to work at different times
umama uya emsebenzini ngezikhathi ezehlukene
sometimes she works in the day
ngesinye isikhathi usebenza emini
some in the evening
ngesinye ebusuku
he works at the same time always
usebenza ngesikhathi esifanayo njalo
he goes to work at 7 and returns at 3
uya emsebenzini ngo 7 abuye ngo 3
she likes to talk about life at the hospital
uthanda ukuxoxa ngempilo yasesibhedlela
it is a big hospital
yisibhedlela esikhulu
it is in Soweto
sona siseSoweto
it is the biggest hospital in Africa
yisona isibhedlela esikhulu kunazo zonke eAfrika
to compare
there are many sick people
kuneziguli eziningi
as well as
it is filled with people suffering difference sicknesses
kugcwala abantu abaphethwe yizifo ezihlukene
and other diseases
nezinye izifo
expectant mothers
omama abazozala abantwana
injured people
abantu abalimele
small children that are sick
abantwana abancane abagulayo
good work is done by mother
muhle umsebenzi owenziwa ngumama
because she helps the community
ngoba unceda umpakhathi
at the school where father teaches
esikoleni lapho ubaba efundisa
there are younger and older children
kukhona abantwana abancane nabadala
those who are industrious
those who are not industrious
they are lazy they are
bayavilapha labo
it is far from home
kukude nasekhaya
if she wants a taxi that goes to Baragwanath to take her
uma ufana itekisi elida eBaragwanath likuhambise
she must point her finger down
kufanele ukhombe phansi ngomunye wakho
at many places
ezindaweni eziningi
they play the radio
kudlalwa umsakazo
it is not allowed to eat or smoke or drink in the taxi
akuvunyelwe ukudla noma ukubhema noma ukuphuza etekisini
it is close to home
kuseduze ekhaya
they don’t have a car
abanayo imoto
they think they will buy one(imoto) some day
bathi bazoyithenga ngelinye ilanga
if they now had a car
uma sebenemoto
he will stop
to take along