Ngicela ukuya Ephathini Flashcards
to Patricia’s party
ephathini likaPatricia
can you get me there?
mawungigibelise ukuya khona?
you crazy! why?
uyahlanya yini?
don’t talk nonsense
you will have exams
isn’t it
you should study
kufanele ukuba ufunde
to be determined
so that you pass
ukuze uphase
you shouldn’t play with your future
akufanele ukuba udlale ngekusasa lakho
now I am tired of studying
sengikhathele ukufunda
please agree father
mawuvume baba
all my friends will be at the party
bonke abangane bami bazobe besephathini
many beautiful girls will be at the party
izintombi eziningi ezinhle zizobe zisephathini
be quiet
you shouldn’t beg me
you shouldn’t think about dance affairs before examinations
akufanele ukuba ucabange ngezindaba zokudansa ngaphambi kokuhlolwa
I will be studying a lot tomorrow
ngizobe ngifunda kakhulu kusasa
you shouldn’t drink beer at the party
akufanele ukuba uphuze utshwala ephathini
also you shouldn’t smoke
futhi akufanele ukuba ubheme
you must return home before 12
kufanele ukuba ubuyele ekhaya ngaphambi kuka-12
by that time
ngaleso sikhathi
is he right?
uneqiniso yini?