Umlando/ Our History Flashcards
He was born on 18 July, 1918
Wazalwa ngomhla ka- 18 Julayi 1918
He was born in the Transkei
Wazalelwa eTranskei
He grew up in Qunu
Wakhulela eQunu
He left Qunu, he went to Mqhekezweni
Wasuka eQunu waya eMqhekezweni
He started to study for his BA degree at Fort Hare University
Waqala ukufunda iziqu zika-BA eNyuvesi yaseFort Hare
He did not finish his studies
Akaziqedanga izifundo zakhe
He continued with a BA-LLB
Waqhubeka neBA-LLB
He was a lawyer
At that time
He entered politics
Wangenela (kw)ezepolitiki
They separated in
Bahlukana ngo
He was involved in a case
Watheswa icala
He was arrested
He was sentenced, we went to
Wagwetshwa waya
He was the president of South Africa
Wayengumongameli waseNingizimu Afrika
He died on
Washona ngomhla ka-
His parents were (names)
Abazali bakhe kwakungo
Both were teachers
Bobabili bangothisha
They were activists
He was expelled from school
Wagxoshwa esikoleni
He continued to study at home
Waqhubeka nokufunda esekhaya
He took an MA in African Studies
Wathola i-MA kwi- African Studies
He became the deputy president
Waba yisekela likamongameli
He became president in
Waba umongameli ngo
His father was a policeman
Ubaba wakhe wayeyiphoyisa
His mother wasn’t working
Umama wakhe wayengasebenzi
He did not go to school as usual
Akayanga esikoleni esijwayelekile
He was a member of Umkonto Wesizwe
Wayeyilungu loMkhonto weSizwe
In the time he was in jail he was
Ngesikhathi esejele waba
After he came out of jail
Emva kokuphuma ejele
He continued with the work of the ANC
Waqhubeka nomsebenzi we-ANC
He returned to South Africa
Wabuyela eNingizimu Afrika
He continued with his studies until he got his PHD
Waqhubeka nezifundo zakhe waze wathola iPHd
At that place
Kuleyo ndawo
He became minister of Higher Education
Waba ngungqongqoshe wezemfundo ephakeme
He has 2 children
Unezingane ezimbili
He did matric studies
Wenza izifundo zikamatric
And community structures
nasezinhlakeni zomphakathi
He repeated his entry into underground activities
Waphinda wangena kumshoshaphansi
He worked
He was fired at the time he was in detention
Waxoshwa ngesikhathi esaboshiwe
He was banned until
Wamiswa kuya
He was involved in the launch of UDF
Waba yingxenye yokwethulwa kwe-UDF
He was arrested because of his involvement in
Waboshwa kokuba yinxenye ye-
He received indemnity
Wathola ushwele
He was involved in discussions
Waba yingxenye yezingxoxo
Markets fell
Izimakede zaphazimiseka