UDudu Ulahlekile Flashcards
she is 4 years old
uneminyaka emine
her mother does not agree
unina akavumi
the shop is not far
isitolo asikude
she decides to go there with her money
unquma ukuya khona nemali yakhe
when mother is sleeping
uma mama elele
she will return before it is that mother awakes
uzobuya ngaphambi kokuba avuke unina
she left from the gate
uphuma esangweni
she continued on
uyaqonda njalo
she is scared
what will mother think?
umama uzothini?
when she comes to the t junction
uma efika emahlukanandlela
she takes a left
uthatha esobunxele
she makes a mistake
wenza iphutha
she should have taken the right
kufanele ukuba athathe esokudla
she doesn’t know that
akazi ukuthi
she didn’t turn
she starts to worry
uqala ukukhathazeka
she doesn’t see the buildings well
akaboni kahle izindlu
she decides to turn at the lights
unquma ukujikela ezibanini
she is afraid of being hit by the cars
uyesaba ukushayiswa yimoto
she faces east
ubheka eMpumalanga
it is now 5 in the afternoon
seku-wu 5 ntambama manje
the sun is starting to set
ilanga liqala ukushona
shadows increase
izithunzi ziyanda
she is starting to tire
uqala ukukhathala
what will she say when she sees that she is not there
uzothini uma ebona ukuthi akekho
his father
the sun has set
ilanga liyashona
she can not see the store
akasiboni isitolo
she doesn’t care about sweets
akasenandaba namaswidi
tears fall from her eyes
izinyembezi zehla emehlweni
on the street
there is no shop at this location
asikho isitolo kulendawo
he doesn’t care about Dudu
ayinandaba naye uDudu
Dudu goes up a small distance
uDudu ukhuphuka ibanga elincane
she doesn’t know where she is
akazi ukuthi uphi
she doesn’t know what she is going to do
akasi ukuthi uzowenzani
she sits down on the side of the street
uhlala phansi eceleni komgwaqo
it is dark
she is lost indeed
uhlahlekile impela
suddenly a car appears
qhamu imoto iyaqhamuka
it is like father’s car
ifana nemoto kababa
they embrace
their special one
the face of mother
ebusweni bukamama
why did you run away?
I went alone
ngihambe ngedwa
don’t be naughty like this
musa ukuganga kanje
she doesn’t want the sweets now
akasawafuni amaswidi manje