Emuva Kokuphuza Ikhofi... Flashcards
before getting up
phambi kokuvuka
coffee is brought by his wife
ikhofi lilethwa ngunkosikazi wakhe
by his wife (short form)
to dress up
he likes himself a lot
uyazithanda impela
after dressing and before eating
emva kokugqoka, phambi kokudla ibhulakufesi
the paper is loved by him indeed
iphepha lithandwa nguye impela
oh how much he loves cornflakes
ave ethanda amaCornflakes
he loves them a lot
ukhonze kakhulu
he cannot go to work without cornflakes
akakwazi ukuya emsebenzini ngaphandle kwamaCornflakes
before leaving to go to work
ngaphambi kokuhamba ukuya ehhovisi
to kiss
after finishing
emva kokuqeda umsebenzi wami
I don’t want to be overweight
angifuni ukukhuluphala
my darling
I want to tone my body
ngithanda ukuqinisa umzimba
he is energetic
he works without smoking
uyasebenza ngaphandle kokubhema
some smoke at his work
abanye bayabhema emsebenzini wakhe
not him
hhayi yena
he thinks of his body and future
ucabangela umzimba wakhe nekusasa lakhe
he does not talk a lot
akakhulumi kakhulu
he doesn’t like to waste time
akathandi ukumosa isikhathi
she speaks without thinking
uyakhuluma ngaphandle kokucabanga
this annoys Mike
lokhu kuyamcasula uMike
he would like to work without noise
angathanda ukusebenza phandle komsindo
3rd person takes a instead of u for “would”
across his office
phesheya kwakhe ehhovisi
this senior manager
le meneja enkulu
he is the leader at work
uyisikhulu emsebenzini
after he says goodbye to them all that work
emva kokuvalelisana nabo bonke abasemsebenzini
he takes a chance to gym on the machines there
uthola ithuba lokugijima emishini yakhona
after that he goes home when it is getting dark
emva kwalokho uyagoduka selimathunzi
he admires the program
ukhonze uhlelo
sports and news
nemidlalo nezindaba
before sleeping
phambi kokulala
but he is not able to sleep without helping Jill to wash the dishes
akakwazi kodwa ukulala ngaphandle kokusiza uJill ngokugeza izitsha
a good husband
umyeni olungile