Anginazo Izingubo Ezinhle Flashcards
I will not go to the wedding
angizukuya emshadweni
you must go alone
kufanele ukuba uhambe wedwa
what are you saying?
I don’t understand you well
angizwa kahle
I thought you liked weddings
bengithi uthanda imishado
beautiful bride
umakoti omuhle
beautiful bridesmaids
izitolomisi ezinhle
isn’t it so?
now what?
manje yini?
I’m not able to go
angikwazi ukuhamba
I don’t have nice clothes
anginazo izingubo ezinhle
truly all my clothes are old
ngempela zonke isingubo zami zindala
they are all bad (clothes)
zimbi zonke
God knows it is the truth
uNkulunkulu uyakwazi ukuthi yiqiniso
myself never will I go
ngeke ngihambe mina
it’s a disgrace indeed
yihlazo impela
I only have rags
Nginamanikiniki kuphela
I will stay at home alone
ngizohlala ngedwa ekhaya
your blue dress with spots is beautiful
ingubo yakho eluhlaza enemibalabala yinhle
you are a young lady when you wear it
uyipatshazi uma ugqoka yona
don’t talk a story about a young lady
ungakhulumi indaba yepatshazi
now I am cross indeed
sengithukuthele impela
my socks are full of holes
amasokisi ami agcwele izimbobo
i am not going to the place
angiyi ndawo
hey it is small money
hhayi yimali encane
what am I going to do with this small amount of money?
ngizokwenzani ngemali encane kangaka?
with this money
ngale imali
my darling
I wish that you were better
sengathi ungabangcono
I wish that she was better
sengathi angabangcono
always followed by present subjunctive -e