iComrades Flashcards
how was Comrades?
bekunjani kwiComrades?
it was difficult
I thought that I will win
bengingacabanga ukuthi ngizowina
how was the weather on the way?
belinjani izulu endleleni?
it was hot
it took the fish from the water (too hot)
belikipha inhlanzi emanzini
how did you feel?
bewuzwa unjani?
my whole body was painful
wonke umzimba bewubuhlungu
I thought I would go mad
bengithi ngizosangana
there were how many supporters of yours?
bebebangaki abalandeli bakho?
there were so many
bebebaningi kabi
they helped me a lot
bebengisiza kabi
they were definitely enthusiastic
bebenomdlandla bememza njalo
they supported me
you won a lot of money and nice trophies
uwine imali eningi nemiklomelo emihle
what will you do with the money?
uzokwenzani ngemali yakho?
I will buy my mother a new house
ngizothengela umame wami umuzi omusha
I will buy myself a new car
ngizozithengela imoto entsha
we congratulate you for your win
siyakubongela ukuwina kwakho
Wow. You run well
ave ugijima kahle