Incwadi eya kuGogo Flashcards
everything went well
konke kwa hambe kahle
we did not have any problems
asibanga nenkinga
we saw many things along the way
sabona izinto eziningi endleleni
she moved (to PE)
we did not go
it did not rain
during the time we ascended by cable car
ngesikhathi sikhuphuka nge-cable car
mother indeed is a coward
umama phela uyigwala
we went in a boat
sahamba ngesikebhe
to see the seals
ukubona izimvu zamanzi
they are amazing animals those
yizilwane ezimangalisayo lezo
we visited the parliament buildings
savakashela nasezindlini zephalamende
intshe/ izintshe
together with their eggs
kanye namaqanda azo
some visitors rode
ezinye izivakashi zagibela
but not me
kodwa mina cha
they are dangerous (ostriches)
we miss you always
siyakukhumbula njalo
we will spend 3 weeks here
sizochitha amasonto amathathu lapha
I hope that it all is still going well at home
ngiyethemba ukuthi konke kusahamba kahle ekhaya
and that the dogs are guarding you well
nokuthi izinja zikugada kahle
it is me