Umdeni WakwaNdlovu Flashcards
Orlando is in Soweto
iOrlando iseSoweto
actually she is a nurse
phela ngunesi
one girl
intombazane eyodwa
and two boys
nabafana ababili
their names are
amagama abo nguS noT
the name of the girl is
igama lentombazane nguT
she is still small
she is still learning to talk
usafunda ukukhuluma
she stays with another granny when mom and dad are at work
uhlala nomunye ugogo uma umama nobaba besemsebenzini
he is the oldest
nguyena omdala
he is studying for to be
ufundela ukuba ngudokotela
he is studying in grade eight
ufunda ibanga lesishiyagalombili
maybe he too will go to university when he is older
mhlawumbe nay uzoya enyuvesi uma esemdala
actually this family is educated
phela lo mndeni ufundile
the name of it (dog) is
igama layo ngu
poss concord + abs pron
the family has many neighbours
umndeni unomakhelwane abaningi
one neighbour of theirs sells beer inside
omunye umakhelwane wabo uthengisa utshwala endlini
people come to drink their
abantu bayeza bazophuzela khona
he likes football
uylithanda ibhola lezinyawo
the team he likes is the Orlando Pirates
iqembu alithandayo yiOrlando Pirates
always when his team plays he watches TV
njalo uma iqembu lanhe lidlala uyalibukela kuTV
he lives and drinks always
uhlala edakiwe njalo
he amuses them always
uyabahlekisa njalo
girls: their names are
amantombazane: amagama awo ngu
taxi: it is Zola Budd
itekisi: liyiZola Budd
taxi: it is not Mary Decker
itekisi: akanalo eliyiMary Decker
he takes people to town
yea uthatha abantu abase edolobheni
she is very diligent
yena ukhuthele kakhulu
she grew up in the rural areas
ukhulele emaphandleni
she lives there with people she works for
uhlala khona nabantu abasenzelayo
because it is her that washes their belongings
ngoba nguyena ogeza izimpahla zabo
and guards their children
agade abantwana babo
and cleans the house
ahlanze nendlu yabo
she comes always on weekends once a month
uza njalo ngempelasonto kanye ngenyanga