Emapulazini eNqutu Flashcards
in fact
is a person who is sick
ngumuntu ogulayo
he is now very old
useguge kakhulu
he likes to bask in the sun outside
uyathanda ukuthamela ilanga ngaphandle
he doesn’t like lazy people
akabathandi abantu abavilaphayo
he scolds his grandchildren
uthethisa abazukulu bakhe
when they did not do certain work
uma bengenzanga umsebenzi othize
he comes to the house two times per year
uza ekhaya kabili ngonyaka
he always complains about life in the mines
uyakhononda njalo ngempilo yasezimayini
he doesn’t like life of there
akayithandi impilo yalapho
he is not able to live with his family
akakwazi ukuhlala nomndeni wakhe
work in the mines is very difficult
umsebenzi wasezimayini unzima kakhulu
on the company compound
he lives with some men that work with him
uhlala namanye amadoda asebenza nawo
when they don’t work
uma bengasebenzi
they write home
babhalele emakhaya
stories that teach us life lessons
izindaba zisifundisa izifundo zempilo
they are old stories
yizindaba ezindala
we learn about life lessons which are told by elders
sifunda ngezifundo zempilo ezixoxelwa ngabantu abadala
they herd the cows
belusa izinkomo
to draw water
ukukha amanzi
life there on the farm is not the same as in town
impilo yalapha emapulazini ayifani nasemadolobheni
they like even the life there on the farm
bayayithanda nempilo yasemapulazini
fast life
impilo esheshayo
many cars
izimoto eziningi
busy people
abantu abamatasatasa
life is peaceful
impilo ithulile
together with family
kanye nomndeni
a poem that teaches
inkondlo efundisayo
things that are told
izinto ozixoxayo
things that happened good or bad
ezenzeka ngawe ezinhle noma ezimbi
time before
phambili kwesikhathi
our history
umlando wethu