UK Separation Minima Flashcards
What are the lateral track separation minima for aircraft on radials to/from the same co-located VOR/DME?
The radials must be at least 20 degrees apart.
If the aircraft are diverging, one must be at least 15NM from the station.
If the aircraft are converging, one must be at least 30NM from the station.
If one is inbound and one is outbound, either the inbound one must be at least 30NM from the station, or the outbound must be at least 20NM from the station.
What are the lateral track separation minima for aircraft on radials from the same VOR?
The radials must be at least 20 degrees apart, and the aircraft must be diverging.
One must either by 15NM or 4 minutes from the station, whichever is greater, OR their tracks must differ by at least 45 degrees with both aircraft reporting established on their radials.
What are the lateral track separation minima for aircraft on radials from the same NDB?
The radials must be at least 30 degrees apart, and the aircraft must be diverging.
One aircraft must be at least 15NM or 4 minutes away from the station, whichever is greater.
What conditions must be met for aircraft to be considered geographically separated?
The aircraft must indicate their geographical position either by reference to a nav aid, or visually, and their geographical positions must be defined as separate in the MATs part 2. They must then not get closer to each other than these geographical points.
What are the longitudinal time-based separation minima for same track, same flight level aircraft?
10 minutes as standard.
5 minutes if the leading aircraft has a filed airspeed of 20kt or more greater than the following aircraft.
5 minutes if the aircraft both have functioning transponders, and are being monitored on radar, and their actual distance never becomes less than 30 miles, and this is approved by the CAA at this location.
3 minutes if the aircraft both have functioning transponders, and are being monitored on radar, and their actual distance never becomes less than 20 miles, and this is approved by the CAA at this location.
2 minutes following 2 minute departure separation, provided the leading aircraft’s filed airspeed is 40kt or more greater than the following aircraft’s, and neither aircraft is cleared to execute any maneuver which would decrease this separation.
What are the longitudinal time-based separation minima for same track aircraft climbing or descending through each others’ flight levels?
10 minutes as standard.
5 minutes, at the time the levels are crossed, provided the level change commenced within 10 minutes of the time the following aircraft reports over the same reporting point the leading aircraft also did.
In either case, one aircraft must maintain a level flight while the other climbs or descends.
What is the longitudinal time-based separation minimum for ALL crossing track aircraft?
10 minutes.
What is the longitudinal time-based separation minimum for reciprocal track aircraft climbing or descending through each others’ flight levels?
10 minutes, UNLESS it is confirmed they have already passed each other, either by surveillance information, by a positive report from both pilots that they have seen each other (by day only), or by the fact that they have reported over the same reporting point as each other.
What are the longitudinal distance-based separation minima for same track, same flight level aircraft?
25NM as standard.
20NM, if both aircraft are within 100NM of the DME station, OR the leading aircraft is 20kt or more faster.
15NM, if both aircraft are within 100NM of the DME station, AND the leading aircraft is 20kt or more faster.
What is the longitudinal distance-based separation minimum for same track aircraft climbing or descending through each others’ flight level?
15NM, provided one aircraft maintains a level flight while the other one climbs or descends.
What are the longitudinal distance-based separation minima for reciprocal track aircraft climbing or descending through each others’ flight levels?
40NM as standard.
10NM if it has been established that the aircraft have passed each other.
5NM if it has been established that the aircraft have passed one another, AND both aircraft are within 100NM of the DME station.
What is the separation minimum for aircraft departing from different runways, where their departure routes immediately diverge by at least 45 degrees?
Less than 1 minute.
What is the separation minimum for aircraft departing from the same runway, where their departure routes immediately diverge by at least 45 degrees?
1 minute.
What is the separation minimum for aircraft departing from the same runway, where the leading aircraft is at least 40kt faster than the following aircraft?
2 minutes, provided neither aircraft are cleared to perform any maneuvers which would reduce this separation.
What is the separation minimum for aircraft departing from the same runway, where the leading aircraft is at least 20kt faster than the following aircraft?
5 minutes, provided they will be separated by another means by the time they leave the control zone.
What is the standard runway separation for departing aircraft on occupied runways?
A departing aircraft cannot begin its take-off run until the previous departing aircraft has become airborne, or the previously landed aircraft has vacated the runway.
What is the standard runway separation for landing aircraft on occupied runways?
An arriving aircraft cannot land until the previous departing aircraft is airborne, or the previous landing aircraft has vacated the runway, UNLESS land after procedure is being used.
Under what circumstances may the land-after procedure be used?
It is during daylight hours.
The preceding landing aircraft is not required to backtrack to vacate the runway.
Runway braking action is not adversely affected.
The pilot of the following aircraft is warned.
The controller is satisfied that the following aircraft can see the leading aircraft, and will continue to do so until it vacates the runway.