Aerodrome Phraseology and details Flashcards
Weight restricted taxiways
H, K and E cannot take heavy.
[operator] tug at [location], request push back for towing a [aircraft] to [location].
(Check adjacent stands are clear, move strip into ground bay)
[callsign], Portland Tower, push back approved, face [direction], report ready for tow.
Steps of a VFR departure.
0: aircraft may call asking for startup (but not locals)
1: aircraft calls and asks for taxi to the runway for their flight. You grant this, telling them runway in use and QNH, which you tick on read back.
2: while they taxi, you get clearance from radar. You pass it to them when they are ready, and tick it when the read it back correctly.
3: you grant them take-off clearance, including direction of turn after takeoff, and they go. Record wheels up time, and pass to radar.
4: transfer them to radar’s frequency when they are clear of traffic.
[callsign], approaching [VRP] for a VFR arrival.
[callsign], Portland Tower, join [runway in use] [side] downwind / route direct [runway in use] [side] base, report [downwind/base].
Reporting a departure to Radar.
Portland Tower, [VFR if appropriate] departure: [callsign] at [time].
IFR departure requesting push back and start up.
(Check adjacent bays, move strip to ground)
[callsign], push back and start up approved, face [direction], report ready to taxi.
(Record start up time granted, call Radar with the departure warning, record departure warning passed time)
Stages of an IFR departure.
1: Departure requests clearance, which you read out and he reads back and you tick.
2: He requests push and start, you grant it, record start up time, pass departure warning to Radar, record that time too.
3: He requests taxi to runway, you grant it, tell him runway in use and QNH, tick as he reads back.
4: While he taxis, request a release from Radar.
5: Clear him for take-off, and record wheels up time and pass to Radar.
6: Switch him to Radar’s frequency when he is clear of traffic.
[callsign], reporting final.
(check runway in use bay and move strip)
[callsign], runway 25, cleared to land, wind [direction], [speed].
(mark the L on the flight strip for clearance granted)
Ground movements over runway in use.
(check runway bay and move strip)
[callsign], via [entry holding point], [exit holding point], cross [runway in use], [taxi/tow/proceed] to [destination] via taxiway/s [route], report runway vacated.
Request a VFR take off clearance from Radar.
Portland Tower, requesting departure clearance for [callsign].
Taxi clearance for take off.
[callsign], taxi holding point [whichever], [runway in use], via taxiways [route], QNH is [value], report ready for departure.
(call Radar and get their release/clearance)
Strip marking IFR arrivals.
First contact - tell them runway in use, mark it on the domestic box of the strip.
Landing clearance - put a big L in the callsign box.
Landing/go-around - either record wheels down time, or cross out their clearance and record go-around time.
Orbit instructions.
Callsign, orbit [direction] at the end of the downwind leg.
Strip marking IFR departures.
They request clearance, you give it to them, write it down, and tick it as they read it back correctly.
They request push back and start up, you record push back direction, start up time, pass departure warning to Radar, and record departure warning time.
They request taxi to runway, you grant that and say runway in use and QNH, you record taxi limit, runway in use and QNH, and tick as they read back correctly.
Obtain a release from Radar and record it.
You clear for take-off, record wheels up time, pass to Radar and tick when passed, and the chuck to Radar’s frequency and cross out strip.
Take off clearance.
(check runway in use back and move strip)
[callsign], [turn/circuit direction if VFR], [runway in use], you are cleared to take off, wind [direction], [speed].
(record wheels up time and pass to Radar)
Passing a departure clearance to IFR.
[FULL callsign], Portland Tower, you are cleared to [destination] via a [route] departure, squawking [code].
(write out the callsign as you pass it, tick it as he reads it back correctly)
[callsign], correct.
Clearing someone into the VFR circuit.
While they are taxiing to the runway:
[callsign], I have your clearance. “ready to copy”
[FULL callsign], cleared into the circuit, [runway in use], VFR, altitude not above 1,500ft.
Record on strip as CCT, VFR, 1.5A.
Ordering a missed approach for an IFR.
[callsign] go around, I say again, go around, acknowledge.
[callsign], climb straight ahead to altitude 3000ft.
Call Radar and inform them, then chuck him to Radar.
Ordering a missed approach for VFR.
[callsign] go around, I say again, go around, acknowledge.
[callsign], cleared into the circuit, runway [in use], [direction] hand circuit, VFR, not above altitude 1,500ft.
Ordering a missed approach because of a runway incursion.
[callsign], go around, I say again, go around, not below altitude 800ft, acknowledge.
Cancelling a take-off clearance.
[callsign], hold position, cancel take-off, I say again, cancel take-off, acknowledge.
Stopping an aircraft during the take-off run.
[callsign], stop immediately, I say again, [callsign], stop immediately, acknowledge.