U8 L2 Poetic Revolution Flashcards
What were the revolutions that were directly linked to the Romantic movement in England?
- political
- Industrial
- philosophical
When was the first edition of Lyrical Ballads published?
What is Lyrical Ballads? Who wrote it?
- poetry volume
- first significant publication of Romantic poetry
- William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge
Did Romantic poets even view themselves as ‘Romantic poets’?
no, given title years later
Who wrote the Preface of the second edition of Lyrical Ballads?
William Wordsworth
What does Wordsworth explain in the Preface?
theories he and Coleridge followed in writing poems
Wordsworth and Coleridge wrote poetry that was free of what?
artificial restrictions of earlier poetry
Did all Romantic poets accept or use all the elements of Wordsworth’s theory?
Neoclassic poetry was basically and imitation of what and intended to do what?
- human life
- instruct and please reader
What were the characters in Neoclassic poetry meant to represent?
- all men
- examples of acceptable/unacceptable behavior
Wordsworth believed that good poetry is a spontaneous overflow of ()
powerful feelings
The subject of Romantic poetry was the () of the writer
personal experience
What point of view was Romantic poetry written in if the poet is the subject?
first person
What form of poem was frequently used to best suit the subject?
Many critics object the use of first person in Romantic poetry and accuse the poet of being too ()
Why did Romantics want to express their thoughts?
make ideas significant
Neoclassic poets viewed poetry as an art to be what?
studied and perfected
The concept of spontaneity was more a reaction against () than a ()
- Neoclassic inflexibility
- literal statement of Romantic principles
What is objective?
describing what is
What is subjective?
describing what is as a person sees it
A Romantic poet creates poem after doing what?
meditating on the subject
Romantic poetry is often called what?
nature poetry
Wordsworth said nature could be enjoyed for ()
its own sake
Nature serves as a () in nearly all Romantic Poetry
starting point
The ()place and () life were suitable subjects for Romantic poetry
common, humble
In the Preface, Wordsworth explained the principal purpose in writing the poems in Lyrical Ballads was the choose () and to () in a ()
- common life situations
- relate/describe them
- language used by men
A Romantic theory was that those who lived close to nature were more innocent than people who were corrupted by ()
What is the noble savage?
concept that primitive man is basically good
What is naivete?
state of being simple/innocent
The concept of the innocence of life untainted as been criticized for its()
The purpose of using the commonplace in poetry was to add what?
freshness to trivial situations in life
Why did Romantic poets use supernatural in the poems?
create sense of wonder
What was an unusual experience that Romantics explored in their poems?
mesmerism (hypnotism)