U7 L7 Alexander Pope Flashcards
Writers from the Glorious revolution to the 1750s felt that only () would solve political, economic, social, and cultural problems
common sense
Who were 2 prominent writers who used satire?
Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift
What is satire?
literary manner belittling subject to produce wit and humor
What was the name Alexander Pope was given because of his ‘harsh attacks’?
Wicked Wasp of Twickenham
What was the name of the village Pope resided in?
What is a barb?
critical remark
What is a beau?
man who escorts a woman
What does intimate mean?
to suggest
When was Alexander Pope born?
What religion was Pope born into? Why was this unfortunate?
- Roman Catholic
- born at time Catholic s were discriminated
What happened to Pope at 12?
tuberculosis of spine, made him unattractive/weal
Who was Pope a close friend to?
Jonathan Swift
What are some of Pope’s famous poems?
- Essay on Criticism
- The Rape of the Lock
- Windsor Forest
- Eloisa to Abelard
- The Dunciad
- Imitations of Horace
What translations did Pope publish?
Iliad and Odyssey
When did Alexander Pope die?
Pope and Jonathan Swift were members of what writers organization?
Scriblerus Club
Why was the Scriblerus Club formed?
satirize what they felt was foolish
How may an author achieve a ‘ridiculing effect’?
- magnify/exaggerate
- position
- irony
- praise-blame inversion
What does the magnify/exaggerate contribute to the ridicule effect?
- exaggerate corruption
- most common
What does the position contribute to the ridicule effect?
- put object next to something undignified
- guilt by association
What does irony contribute to the ridicule effect?
saying/being one thing while making it clear something different is meant
What does praise-blame subversion contribute to the ridicule effect?
author seems to praise but is actually condemning
What does Pope satirize in ‘The Rape of the Lock’?
- polite society
- represents card game disagreement among ladies and beaus as an epic battle
What does The Dunciad record? What is its tone?
- epic games of writers while journeying through London
- bitter, angry
How does The Dunciad end?
Dulness sitting on her throne in darkness
What was the perfected poetic form Pope used?
heroic couplet
What does the heroic couplet consist of?
- two rhyming lines
- iambic pentameter
What would Pope use the heroic couplet for?
- narrate
- present realistic conversation
- short satiric barbs
- statements on his philosophy
What is a parody?
humorous imitation