U6 L6 William Shakespeare Flashcards
Who was John Dryden?
17 cent English poet, dramatist, and critic
How much is known about Shakespeare?
very little, only reliable facts are dates of important events in his life
When and where was Shakespeare born?
maybe April 23, 1564, Stratford-on-Avon
Who was Shakespeare’s parents?
- John Shakespeare, glove maker and tradesman
- Mary Arden
What did Shakespeare learn at the local grammar school?
- Latin and some Greek
- read Latin playwright works
When, at what age, and to who did Shakespeare marry?
- 18 yrs
- 1582
- Anne Hathaway
How much older was Anne Hathaway compared to shakespeare?
7-8 years older
Who and when was Shakespeare’s first child? Daughter or Son?
Daughter, Susanna, 1583
When did Shakespeare have twins and what were their names?
- two years after Susanna
- Hamnet and Judith
- Hamnet died in childhood
Between which years were there no records of Shakespeare activities?
1585 and 1592
When did Shakespeare leave Stratford and went to London? And why?
- 1585
- begin apprenticeship as actor
When and by who did Shakespeare receive a written attack by a jealous playwright?
- 1592
- Robert Greene
In 1594, Shakespeare was an actor and playwright in which company?
Lord Chamberlain’s Men
What did the Lord Chamberlain’s Men became known as under the patronage of James I?
King’s Men
By 1597, Shakespeare was wealthy to buy which house?
- New Place
- second largest house in stratford
When did Shakespeare’s father die and was the same year Hamlet was written?
When did Shakespeare’s mother die?
When was Susanna and Judith married?
S- 1607
J- 1616
When and where did Shakespeare permanently retire to?
1611, Stratford
When did Shakespeare write his will?
March 25, 1616
When did Shakespeare die?
April 23, 1616
When did Anne Hathaway die?
August 6, 1623
What did it mean when Shakespeare was called the Bard of Avon?
poet of Avon
Scholars generally agree that Shakespeare wrote how many plays?
What are the 3 broad categories of Shakespeare’s plays?
- comedies
- tragedies
- histories
What are Shakespeare’s earlier comedies?
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- Love’s Labours Lost
What are Shakespeare’s later dark comedies?
- All’s Well That Ends Well
- Measure For Measure
What were Shakespeare’s history/chronicle plays about?
past kings of England
When were Shakespeare’s history/chronicle plays written?
last decade of 16th century when patriotic interest was high
What are Shakespeare’s history/chronicle plays?
- Henry IV, V, VI, VIII
- Richard II, III
- King John
What play began the period of Shakespeare’s tragedies?
Julius Caesar
What tragedies did Shakespeare write in the first decade of the 17th century?
- Hamlet
- Othello
- King Lear
- Macbeth
- Antony and Cleopatra
What was the earliest tragedy that Shakespeare wrote? And when?
- 1596
- Romeo And Juliet
Where and what types were Shakespeare’s last plays?
- Stratford
- tragedy and comedy
What were the last plays Shakespeare wrote?
- Pericles
- Cymbeline
- The Winter’s Tale
- The Tempest
What was Shakespeare’s last history play? When was it published?
Henry VIII, 1613
Is there doubt Shakespeare wrote Henry VIII?
What were Shakespeare’s first two long narrative poems that were published?
- Venus Adonis
- Lucrece
Between which years did Shakespeare write Venus Adonis and Lucrece? And why?
June 1592 and April 1594, because of plague
Between which years did Shakespeare compose his 154 sonnets?
1593 and 1601
What was the Passionate Pilgrim?
volume of 20 poems
How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?
What was The Phoenix and the Turtle?
67 line poem
What was A Lover’s Complaint?
329 line poem
Some scholars maintain that Shakespeare wrote only how many of the 20 Pilgrim poems?
Do all agree Shakespeare wrote A Lover’s Complaint?
What is Shakespeare’s language classified as?
Modern English
When might have been the beginning of the Modern English Period?
about 1500
What was one major contribution to a uniform English language? And when?
printing press by William Caxton in 1479
What did Caxton’s printing press help standardize?
- spelling
- grammar
- vocabulary
What language were many Elizabethan new words borrowed from?
Greek and Latin
If you see the word Archaic or abbreviation Obs. in brackets, what does it mean?
word is no longer used or obsolete