U2 Lecture 8 Flashcards
- List the 3 structural classification of articulations - List and describe the 3 functional classifications of articulations - DEfine the subtypes of the 3 functional classifications of articulations discussed in lecture and give examples of each - Define the basic components of a synovial joint - List the functions of synovial fluid - Describe the shoulder, elbow, and knee joint bone features and ligaments or tendons as discussed - Describe the bone features of the temporomandibular join
Define articulations
points of contact between bones, bone and cartilage, or bone and teeth
define arthrology
the study of joints
define kinesiology
the study of body motion
What is the relationship between joint stability and mobility?
The more stable a joint, the less mobile the body is and vice versa
What are the 3 joint articulations classified by structure?
Fibrous, cartilaginouos and synovial
Fibrous articulations
Dense irregular CT between bones
Cartilaginous articulations
Hyaline cartilage between bones
Synovial articulations
Fluid (synovial fluid) between bones
What are the 3 joint articulations classified by function?
Synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis and diarthrosis
Define synarthrosis articulations
immovable joints
3 types of synarthroses
- Suture (fibrous) ex: sutures in skull
- Gomphosis (fibrous) ex: alveoli
- Synchondrosis (cartilaginous) ex: epiphyseal plate
Define amphiarthrosis
slightly movable joints
3 types of amphiarthroses
- Syndesmosis (fibrous) ex: anterior tibiofibular ligament
- Interosseous membrane (fibrous) ex: interosseous membrane on fibula/tibia
- Symphysis (cartilaginous) public symphysis
Define diarthrosis
freely moveable joints
Types of diarthroses
Gliding, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle, and ball-and-socket
Example of gliding joint
Planar joint between the navicular and second and third cuneiforms of the tarsus in the foot
Ex of hinge joint
Hinge joint between trochlea of humerus and trochlear notch of ulna at the elbow
Ex of pivot joint
pivot joint between head of radius and radial notch of ulna
Ex of condyloid joint
condyloid joint between radius and scaphoid and lunate bones of the carpus
Ex of saddle joint
Saddle joint between trapezium of carpus and metacarpal of thumb
Ex of ball-and-socket joint
Ball-and-socket joint between head of the femur and acetabulum of the hip bone
What type of joining tissue is in diarthrosis joints?
Synovial tissue
What is the structure of diarthroses? (synovial joints)
Articulating bone, periosteum, articular joint capsule, fibrous membrane, synovial membrane, articular cartilage, synovial joint cavity (contains synovial fluid)
What are the functions of synovial fluid?
- Lubrication of the joint
- Provision of nutrients to articular cartilage (which is avascular)
- Shock absorption