Trunk Muscles Flashcards
Iliocostalis (lumborum, thoracis, cervicis)
common origin
-broad tendon from posterior iliac crest, sacrum, SI ligaments, spinous processes of sacral and inferior lumbar vertebrae
Iliocostalis (lumborum, thoracis, cervicis)
I. lumborum -inferior border of angle of ribs 12-6 I. thoracis -all ribs I. cervicis -ribs 6-1 -posterior tubercles of C4-C6
Iliocostalis (lumborum, thoracis, cervicis)
laterally flex head and vertebral column to same side (ipsilaterally)
bilateral head and trunk extension
Iliocostalis (lumborum, thoracis, cervicis)
dorsal rami of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal nerves
longissimus (thoracic, cervicis, capitis)
common origin
- cervicis and capitis have origins on the transverse processes at lower levels
- this seems like a strange description of the origin; will try and figure out from book
longissimus (thoracic, cervicis, capitis)
L. thoracis
-tips of transverse processes T1-T12
-tubercles of inferior border of ribs 9 and 10
L. cervicis
-superior thoracic transverse processes to cervical transverse processes
L capitis
-arises with L. cervicis and attaches to mastoid process
longissimus (thoracic, cervicis, capitis)
ipsilateral lateral flexion of head and vertebral column
bilateral head and trunk extension
-rotates head to same side
longissimus (thoracic, cervicis, capitis)
dorsal rami of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal nerves
Spinalis (thoracic, cervicis)
common origin
-from spinous processes
Spinalis (thoracic, cervicis)
S. thoracic
-tips of spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae
S. cervicis
-ligamentum nuchae to axis (C2)
*these are inconsistent attachments according to the notes
Spinalis (thoracic, cervicis)
head and vertebral column extension
Spinalis (thoracic, cervicis)
dorsal rami of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal nerves
semispinalis (thoracis, cervicis, capitis)
S. thoracis
-transverse processes superomedially T6-T10
S. cervicis
-transverse processes superomedially T1-T6
S. capitis
-transverse processes T1-T6 (C7 articular process)
semispinalis (thoracis, cervicis, capitis)
S. thoracis -spinous processes C6-T4 S. cervicis -Spinous processes C2-C5 S. Capitis -Inferior to superior nuchal line
semispinalis (thoracis, cervicis, capitis)
all -contralateral trunk/head rotation S. thoracis and cervicis -vertebral column extension S. capitis -head extensor when active bilaterally
semispinalis (thoracis, cervicis, capitis)
dorsal rami of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal nerves
laminae (mamillary process) of S4-C2, including zygapophysial capsule
may be absent in thoracic region
superomedially 2-4 vertebrae to spinous process
unilaterally -lateral flexion of vertebral column -contralateral transverse rotation bilaterally -trunk extension vertebral column stabilization
dorsal rami of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal nerves
rotatores (brevis and longus)
transverse processes of entire vertebral column
rotatores (brevis and longus)
superomedially to spinous processes of next (brevis) or 2nd SP (longus)
rotatores (brevis and longus)
- contralaterally rotate superior vertebrae
- bilaterally stabilize superior vertebrae
rotatores (brevis and longus)
dorsal rami of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal nerves
splenius (cervicis, capitis)
S. cervicis -spinous processes of T3-T6 S. capitis -spinous processes of C7-T4 -ligamentum nuchae
splenius (cervicis, capitis)
S. cervicis -transverse processes of C2-C5 S. capitis -lateral part of superior nuchal line -mastoid process
splenius (cervicis, capitis)
bilateral contraction
-extension of cervical region
unilateral contraction
-ipsilateral lateral flexion and rotation
splenius (cervicis, capitis)
S. cervicis
-dorsal rami of spinal nerves C4-C8
S. capitis
-dorsal rami of spinal nerves C3-C5
Levator costarum (intertransversarii of thoracic region) -origin
tip of thoracic transverse process
Levator costarum (intertransversarii of thoracic region) -insertion
inferolaterally to angle of inferior adjacent rib
Levator costarum (intertransversarii of thoracic region) -actions
- elevate ribs during inspiration
- proposed to be involved in lateral flexion
Levator costarum (intertransversarii of thoracic region) -innervation
ventral rami of thoracic spinal nerves
quadratus lumborum
- iliolumbar ligament
- internal lip of iliac crest
quadratus lumborum
- tips of lumbar transverse processes
- inferior border of rib 12
quadratus lumborum
- vertebral column extension
- vertebral column lateral flexion
- fixes rib 12 during inspiration
quadratus lumborum
branches of ventral rami of T12, L1-3(4)
psoas major
- transverse process of lumbar vertebrae
- sides of vertebral body of T12, L1-L5
- intervertebral discs
psoas major
lesser trochanter of femur
psoas major
- increase lumbar lordosis
- assist in vertebral column lateral flexion
- hip flexion
- pelvis flexion on trunk
psoas major
- lumbar plexis
- branches of primary ventral rami L1-L4
rectus abdominis
pubic crest and symphysis
rectus abdominis
costal cartilages 5-7
xyphoid process
rectus abdominis
trunk flexion
rectus abdominis
ventral rami of spinal nerves T5-T12
external abdominal oblique
anterior fibers
-external surface of ribs 5-8
lateral fibers
-external surface of ribs 9-12
external abdominal oblique
- outer lip of iliac crest
- linea alba via aponeurosis
external abdominal oblique
bilaterally -trunk flexion -lateral fibers act on lumbar region to tilt pelvis posteriorly unilaterally -contralateral transverse rotation compress abdomen
external abdominal oblique
ventral rami of spinal nerves T5-T12
internal abdominal oblique
- lateral 2/3 of inguinal ligament
- iliac crest
- thoracolumbar fascia
internal abdominal oblique
- crest of pubis
- pectineal line
- linea alba
internal abdominal oblique
upper anterior fibers
-trunk flexion
-work with contralateral external obliques to rotate trunk (for the internal obliques this is ipsilateral transverse rotation)
internal abdominal oblique
ventral rami of spinal nerves T7-T12
iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves
transverse abdominis
- lower 6 ribs
- thoracolumbar fascia (attached to transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
- iliac crest
- inguinal ligament
transverse abdominis
- linea alba
- pubic crest
transverse abdominis
- trunk stabilization via fixation of linae alba
- compress abdomen
transverse abdominis
- ventral rami of spinal nerves T7-T12
- iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves