Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders Flashcards
Reactive Attachment Disorder is characterized by a consistent pattern of _______________ and emotionally ___________ behavior toward adult caregivers, as manifested by a lack of seeking or responding to ____________ when distressed.
- Inhibited
- Withdrawn
- Comfort

Reactive Attachment Disorder also includes a persistent social and emotional disturbance that includes at least 2 of the following symptoms:
- Minimal social and emotional responsiveness to other people
- Limited ________________
- Episodes of unexplained ______________
- Sadness or fearfulness when interacting with __________________
- Positive affect
- Irritability
- Adult caregivers

A diagnosis of Reactive Attachment Disorder also requires that a child has experienced extreme __________________ that is believed to the cause of the behavior and is evidenced by at least one of the following:
- Basic emotional needs for __________, stimulation, and affection are not met by adult caregivers
- Repeated changes in __________________ that limit the ability to form a stable attachment
- Rearing in an ____________________ that limits opportunities to form selective attachments.
- Insufficient care
- Comfort
- Primary caregivers
- Unusual environment

Symptoms of Reactive Attachment Disorder must be evident before the child is ___ years of age, and the child must have a developmental age of at least ___ months.
- 5 years
- 9 months

Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder is characterized by a pattern of behavior that involves inappropriate interactions with __________________ as evidenced by at least two of the following:
- Reduced/absent ________ in approaching/interacting with unfamiliar adults
- Overfamiliarity with unfamiliar adults
- Diminished or absence of ____________ with a caregiver after venturing away from him/her
- Willingness to accompany an unfamiliar adult with little/no hesitation
- Unfamiliar adults
- Reticence
- Checking in

For a diagnosis of Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder, a child must have a developmental age of at least ___ months, and have experienced extreme ____________________ that is believed to be the cause of the disturbed behavior, and is evidenced by the same conditions as that of Reactive Attachment Disorder.
- 9 months
- Insufficient care

For adults, adolescents, and children older than ___ years, a diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are the same.
6 years.

PTSD Criterion 1: Exposure to actual or threatened __________, serious injury, or ____________________ in at least one of the following ways:
- Direct experience of the event
- Witnessing the event in person as it happened to others
- Learning that the event happened to a close family member/friend
- Repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the event
- Death
- Sexual violence

PTSD Criterion 2: Presence of at least one of the following ____________ symptoms:
- Recurrent, involuntary, or distressing ____________ of the event (or repetitive play in children)
- Recurrent distressing dreams related to the event
- Dissociative reactions in which the person feels or acts as if the event is ____________ (or, in children, reenactment play)
- Intense/prolonged distress when exposed to reminders of the event
- Marked ______________ reactions to reminders of the event
- Intrusion
- Memories
- Recurring
- Physiological

PTSD Criterion 3: Persistent _______________ of stimuli associated with the event as evidenced by one or both of the following:
- Avoidance of distressing memories, thoughts, or __________ related to the event
- Avoidance of external reminders eliciting memories/thoughts/feelings related to the event
- Avoidance
- Feelings

PTSD Criterion 4: Negative changes in cognition or mood associated with the event as evidenced by at least two of the following:
- Inability to _____________ an important aspect of the event
- Persistent and exaggerated _____________________ about oneself, others, or the world
- Persistent distorted cognitions related to the event’s cause or ______________
- Markedly diminished interest in significant activities
- Feelings of _____________ from others
- Persistent anhedonia
- Remember
- Negative beliefs
- Consequences
- Detachment

PTSD Criterion 5: Marked change in arousal and reactivity associated with the event as evidenced by at least two of the following:
- Irritable behavior and _________ outbursts
- Reckless or ______________ behavior
- Hypervigilance
- Exaggerated ___________ response
- Impaired concentration
- __________ disturbance
- Angry
- Destructive
- Startle
- Sleep

< 6 years or younger PTSD Criterion 1: Exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence in at least one of the following ways:
- Direct experience of the event
- Witnessing the event in person as it happened to others (especially the ____________)
- ____________ the event occurred to a caregiver
- Primary caregiver
- Learning

< 6 years or younger PTSD Criterion 2: Presence of at least one of the following intrusion symptoms:
- Recurrent, involuntary distressing memories that meay be expressed during ________________________
- Recurrent distressing dreams in which content and/or affect are related to the event
- _______________ reactions in which the child feels or acts as if the event is recurring and that may occur during play reenactment
- Intense/prolonged psychological distress when exposed to internal/external ________________ of the event
- Marked ______________ reactions to reminders of the event
- Play reenactment
- Dissociative
- Reminders
- Physiological

< 6 years or younger PTSD Criterion 3: At least one symptom that represents either persistent _____________ of stimuli related to the event or negative changes in _______________ and mood related to the event.
- Avoidance
- Cognition

< 6 years or younger PTSD Criterion 4: Alterations in ___________ and reactivity associated with the event as evidenced by at least two of the following:
- Irritable behavior and angry outbursts
- H____________________
- Exaggerated startle response
- Impaired ______________
- Sleep disturbance
- Mood
- Hypervigilance
- Concentration

For individuals of all ages, PTSD symptoms must have a duration of more than ____________, and must cause clinically significant distress or impaired functioning.
1 month.

PTSD specifiers are provided for:
- Dissociative symptoms (___________ and derealization)
- Delayed expression (when full diagnostic criteria are not met until at least ______________ after the event)
- Depersonalization
- 6 months

Treatment of choice for PTSD is a Comprehensive Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention that incorporates _________________, cognitive restructuring, and _____________ management or similar techniques.
- Exposure
- Anxiety

Research on _________________________ (CISD), involving providing treatment to the victims of a trauma within 72 hours of the event whether or not symptoms are exhibited, may actually worsen symptoms of PTSD.
Cognitive Incident Stress Debriefing.

_________________(EMDR) has been found to have a beneficial effect on PTSD symptoms, but there is evidence that they are due to exposure and other non-specific factors rather than eye movements.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.

A diagnosis of Acute Stress Disorder requires exposure to actual or threatened death, severe injury, or sexual violence in at least one of four ways:
- Direct experience of the event
- Learning that the event occurred to a ____________ or friend
- Witnessing the event in person as it happens to others
- ____________ or extreme exposure to aversive details of the event.
- Close family member
- Repeated

For a diagnosis of Acute Stress Disorder, at least ___ symptoms from any of 5 categories must be present:
- Intrusion
- Negative __________
- Dissociative Symptoms
- ___________ Symptoms
- Arousal Symptoms
- 9
- Mood
- Avoidance

Symptoms of Acute Stress Disorder must have a duration of _________ to _____________ and cause clinically significant distress or impaired functioning.
- 3 days
- 1 month

Adjustment Disorders involve the development of emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to one or more identifiable psychosocial stressors within _____________ of the onset of the stressor(s).
3 months.

Adjustment Disorders are characterized by the presence of marked distress disproportionate to the severity of the stressor and/or significant impairment in functioning, and they must remit within _______________ of termination of the stressor or its consequences.
6 months.

Adjustment Disorder is not diagnosed when symptoms represent normal ___________________.