Paraphilic Disorders Flashcards
Paraphilic Disorders are characterized by an “intense and persistent sexual interest other than sexual interest in genital stimulation or preparatory fondling with phenotypically normal, physically ____________, _____________ human partners …that is currently causing distress or impairment to the individual or …personal harm, or risk of harm, to others.”
- Mature
- Consenting

Paraphilias include:
- ____________ Disorder
- Exhibitionistic Disorder
- Sexual ____________ Disorder
- Pedophilic Disorder
- Fetishistic Disorder
- ____________ Disorder
- Transvestic Disorder
- Voyeuristic
- Sadism
- Frotteuristic

___________________ is characterized by intense sexual arousal from touching or rubbing against a ___________________ adult as manifested by fantasies, urges, and/or behaviors and a history of acting on the urges with a nonconsenting person or experiencing significant distress or impaired functioning as the result of the fantasies and urges.
- Frotteuristic Disorder
- Nonconsenting

Frotteuristic Disorder usually begins in _______________, and associated behaviors often decline with ___________________.
- Adolescence
- Increasing age

________________________ involves cross-dressing for the purpose of ________________ as manifested by fantasies, urges, and/or behaviors that cause significant distress or impaired functioning.
- Transvestic Disorder
- Sexual arousal

Transvestic Disorder has been reported almost exclusively in __________, the majority of whom identify as heterosexuals (though the may have occasional same-sex encounters when cross-dressed).

In the past, _______________ was the most common treatment for Paraphilias, though benefits were typically short-lived.
In-vivo aversion therapy.

Current treatment of Paraphilias utilize a CBT approach targeting cognitive distortions, improving victim-____________, tolerance for strong emotions, and targeting sexual ____________, urges, and behaviors.
- Empathy
- Fantasies

_______________ involves aversive conditioning in imagination.
Covert sensitization.

_____________________ involves having the individual replace the unacceptable sexual fantasy with a more acceptable one while masturbating.
Orgasmic reconditioning.

Medroxyprogesterone acetate (___________________) reduces Paraphilic behaviors in many men, but the benefits typically stop as soon as the drug is discontinued.