Bipolar II Disorder and Cyclothymic Disorder Flashcards
A Diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder requires at least one ____________ episode and one ____________ episode.
- Hypomanic
- Major Depressive

A hypomanic episode is “a distinct period of abnormally and persistently ___________, ___________, or ____________ mood and abnormally and persistently increased activity and energy” lasting at least _____ days, present most of the day nearly every day. The hypomanic mood must involve at least 3 characteristic symptoms associated with a manic episode, but aren’t severe enough to cause marked impairment or require hospitalization.
- Elevated
- Expanisve
- Irritable
- 4 days

A major depressive episode lasts for at least __________ and involves five or more characteristic symptoms, at least one of which must be _______________ or a loss of interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities.
- 2 weeks
- Depressed mood

Specifiers for Bipolar II Disorder are provided to designate _____________, the ___________________, and accompanying symptoms.
- Severity
- Most recent episode

Cyclothymic Disorder is characterized by “numerous periods with _____________ symptoms that do not meet criteria for a full episode and numerous periods with _______________ symptoms that do not meet criteria for a major episode, but cause significant distress or impaired functioning.
- Hypomanic
- Depressive

Symptoms of Cyclothymia Disorder last for at least ___________ in adults or ____________ in children and adolescents, and are present for at least ______________ with the individual not being symptom free for more than two months at a time.
- 2 years
- 1 year
- Half the time