Specific Learning Disorder Flashcards
Specific Learning Disorder is diagnosed when a person exhibits difficulties related to academic skills as indicated by the presence of at least one characteristic symptom that persists for at least ___ months despite the provision of targeted interventions.

Symptoms of Specific Learning Disorder include:
- ____________ or slow and effortful word reading,
- Difficulty understanding the ____________ of what is read,
- Difficulties with spelling,
- Difficulties with ______________ expression,
- Difficulties mastering number sense, number facts, or calculation,
- Difficulties with _____________ reasoning.
- Inaccurate
- Meaning
- Written
- Mathematical

A diagnsosis of Specific Learning Disorder additionally requires that a person’s academic skills are:
- Substantially below those expected for his/her age,
- Interfere with academic or _____________ performance, or ADLs
- Began during _________________ years
- Are not better accounted for by another disorder or factor
- Occupational
- School-age

The DSM-5 distinguishes between 3 subtypes of Specific Learning Disorder, with impairment in (3 areas), as well as specifiers for severity: Mild, Moderate, and Severe.
- Reading
- Written Expression
- Mathematics

Individual with Specific Learning Disorder typically have an IQ in the ____________ to ___________ range, but have higher-than-normal rates of other problems and disorders, including delays in ____________ development, motor coordination, attention/memory deficits, and low self-esteem.
- Average
- High-Average
- Language

The most frequent comorbid disorder for individuals with Specific Learning Disorder is _______, with ___-___%
- 20-30%
- Bonus: These children are also at greater risk for antisocial behavior and associated arrest.
People with Specific Learning Disorder usually continue to have _________________ throughout adolescence and adulthood.
Learning difficulties.

Specific Learning Disorder is more common in __________ than _____________, with reported gender ratios ranging from 2:1 to ______.
- Males
- Females
- 3:1

Factors linked to Specific Learning Disorder include:
- _______________ dysfunction
- Incomplete ____________ and other hemispheric abnormalities
- Exposure to toxins (especially lead)
- Cerebellar-vestibular
- Dominance