Toxicity - NAVLE Flashcards
Moldy Corn
fusarium - (and fumonisin) LEUKOENCEPHALOMALACIA, blindness, head pressing, delerium, sweating, incordination
(liquifactive necrosis)
vs. Pigs - hypertension and pulmonary edema(PPE)
Bracken Fern
thiaminase plant
Horse/Pigs- loss of body condition, uncoordinated, twitching, tremors, seizures
Cattle - enzootic hematuria (cystitis, neoplasia); bone marrow suppression (dec. plat, granulocytes -> coag, immune dysfunction
yellow star thistle
“Chewing disease”
Nigropallidal encephalomalacia
Monensin (ionophore)
in cattle feed (growth promoter)
- Horses more susceptible! weakness, ataxia, tremors, tachycardia
- RHABDOMYOLYSIS, cardiomyopathy (epicardial hemorrhages ) (high CK)
vs. Cattle at high doses: ascites, hydrothorax, pulmonary edema
Sorghum, kochia
pelvic incoordination, urine dribbling, myelomalacia in lower spine
Sweet Pea
stringhalt, sudden flexion of hindlimbs when backed up.
Achase Inhibitor
- SLUD (over stimulate muscarinic receptors; diarrhea, bradycardia)
tx. atropine, 2Pam(pralidoxime)
fungus - neotyphodium
ergot-like mold - dopamine agonist,
Lameness and hyperthermia in cattle and horses
prolonged gestation, placental thickening, agalactia
black walnut
laminitis and colic
reluctant to move, shifting
blister beetles
- whats the toxin?
COLIC, PU, tachy, sweating, lethargy
Red Maple
hemolytic anemia
Castor Bean
GI hemorrhage, hemmorhhagic diarrhea, hemolysis
Moldy sweet clover
inhibit vitamin k, anti-coag
oak leaves/acorns (Quercus)
- GI (abdominal pain and diarrhea)
2. tubular nephrosis/nephritis (proteinuria, casts, low USG, azotemia) cattle
eastern tent caterpillars
Mare reproductive loss syndrome
liver ds
St Johns wart
primary photosensitizer -> photophobia, conjuncivitis, sloughed skin, icterus
blue green algae
sudden death
(within minutes of drinking water)
(1.5 L can kill a cow)
PA toxicity
liver ds. megalocytosis, fibrosis, bile duct hyperplasia
3-methyl indole
fog fever
lush pasture
pulmonary emphysema and edema
Moldy Sweet potato
4 ipomeanol
farmers lung
wet firm, dark red lobules
cotton seed
sudden death
cardio toxin, sterility in bulls , dec. conception
tansy ragwort
also arnsinckia intermedia, senecio/groundsel
liver ds
megalocytosis, bile duct hyperplasia, fibrosis
sudan grass
nitrate poisoning
tx newmethylene blue
1- st johns wart
secondary - Brassica, blue-green algae, groundsel(senecio), Amsinckia intermedia
1-skin lesion, better prognosis
2- impaired hepatic function reduces excretion; also skin lesions
plant with cyanide
prunus plant
tx: sodium nitrate or sodium thiosulfate IV
Lupine (lupinous species)
Congenital(if dams eat between 40-70d of pregnancy): crooked calf disease
adults: aimlessly wandering, dyspneic, collapse, seizure, and death.
Oleander (Nerium)
cardiac glycoside, arrythmia, colic
sudden death
locoweed (Oxytropis species)
aka astragalus
depressed, lethargic,
CHF, abortion
*worsens brisket disease, also worsen at high elevations (high mountain disease)
Goitrogenic plants
soybens, kale, turnips, cabbage, rape
toxic straings of Aspergillis on peanuts, soybeans, corn
- widespread hemorrhage, icterus, acute death. subacute more common - anorexia, weight loss, unthriftiness
another fusarium spp.
immunosuppression, irritation of skin, MM, GE
perilla mint
cattle - heavy wet lungs. damage to type 1 pneumocytes. CS: dyspnic, open mouth breathing
alkaloids in Claviceps purpurea(fungus) in small grains (rye, wheat,bluegrass)
Perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne)
sheep, cattle, llamas (signs reverse if hay removed)
ryegrass staggers
tremorgenic neutoxin produced by endophyte fungus neotyphodium lolii
skunk cabbage
sheep, cattle
steroidal alkaloids cause vomiting, bradycard, dyspnea, paralysis, coma
pig weed (amaranthus)
ponderosa pine
pinus ponderosa
late term abortion in CATTLE
horses, sheep, goats NOT AFFECTED
- needles and bark contain isocupressic acid -> vasoconstriction, dec. blood flow to uterus and other tissues. ischemic necrosis of CL results in lack of P4 and abortion 2-21 days after ingestion of 5-6 lbs of pine needles per day for 3 days.
- before abortion there is edema of vulva and udder, bloody mucoid vaginal discharge
Veratrum (false hellebore, skunk cabbage)
congenital defects in lambs (cyclops)
- steroidal alkaloid
- goats/sheep readily eat; cattle only if forage is scarce
- rarely ingest enought to get clinical signs - bradycardia, hypotension, labored breathing, hypersalivation, vomiting, convulsions in 2-3 hrs