Pigs Flashcards
Enzootic Pneumonia
- mycoplasma pneumoniae
- common low level illness; dry cough, CrV lung consolidation, retarded growth
- vaccinate sow before farrowing (bacterin vaccine in sows dec colonization in suckling piglets)
- manage by dec stressors, improve ventilation, dec overcrowding
- abx (lincmycin, tetracycline) can help newly infected herds, or control signs in endemic herds by preventing 2 bacterial infection(pasteurella).
- sequela to PRRS
Edema Disease
- E.coli (Shiga toxin producing e.coli STEC)
- look for SEVERE acute illness ranging from peracute DEATH with no signs to CNS involvement with ataxia, paralysis, recumbency in healthiest pigs 1-2 weeks AFTER WEANING
HEV (Hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus)
piglets LESS than 4 weeks old
two presentations: 1. vomiting and wasting disease (VWD) 2. encephalitic
C. perfringens (type C)
aka ENTEROTOXEMIA in other animals
HEMORRHAGIC diarrhea in ONE - THREE day old piglets
VAX dam in last THIRD, also needs colostrum (or in acute outbreak give antitoxin WITHIN 2 HRS of birth)
proliferative enteritis
aka actue ileitis
GROWING and FINISHING pigs (40-80lb) and young breeding pigs
LAWSONIA intracellularis; hemolytic and nonhemolytic; yellow fibrinous necrotic casts
necropsy - thick mucosa
tx: abx inj or in feed. VACCINATE
in non-immune herds characterized by HIGH MORBIDITY and HIGH MORTALITY in pigs (wont die if >1m old)
<1 WEEK old
pig dental formula
3/3 1/1 4/4 3/3
Which pig diarrheal diseases affect the healthiest, fastest-growing piglets?
edema disease and Clostridium perfringens.
Classical Swine Fever
* contaminated garbage!
acute FEVER, incoordination, diarrhea, red skin, internal hemorrhages, cyanosis TURKEY EGG KIDNEY
ACUTE - 100% mortality/mort; death in 1-3weeks
CHRONIC - few animals; wax and wane for months, FATAL
- necropsy (hemorrhages in LNs, spleen, bladder, larynx)
tx: slaughter infected herds
US free since 1976. endemic is latin america, some european, caribbean, asia
ARTERI VIRUS(highly contagious)
“BLUE ear disease”
management includes early weaning, isolate piglets, PRRS vax (not great), serologic monitoring and testing
1. Repro failure
2. Post weaning respiratory ds.
3. enzootic pneumonia in growers/finishers
- in herds with less than 10% PRRSV infection, remove persistent carriers.
NO TX, PREVENTION is key (resp ds responds to abx)
Timeline for piglet diarrhea
1-2d - c. dif 1-7d - c. perf <1wk - TE 1-14d - e. coli (edema ds) 5-15d - coccidia (isospora, eimeria) 1-5 wks - rotavirus
Swine Dysentery
older pigs >25kg
mucoid LA diarrhea with flecks of blood
tx: abx in water (tylosin, lincomycin, ronidazole)
related to Spirochetosis (postweaning diarrhea, happens in abscence of brachyspira) Treated the same
Trichuris suis
older pigs, 3+ months worm in CECUM/LI HEMORRHAGIC diarrhea DOUBLE OPERCULATED EGG tx: levamisole, dichlorvos, benzimadozoles
ascaris suis
older pigs 2/3+ months
OBSTRUCTION (-> bile duct -> white SPOTS in LIVER)
pulmonary breathing = THUMPS (Verminous pneumonia)
tx: fenben, pyrantel, iver, leva, dichlor, piper, hygromycin
any age, usually older (3+ months)
CS if younger - septicemia
if older - fever, yellow liquid diarrhea
dx - fecal or mesen LN culture
tx: abx in water (neomycin, nitrofurazone); carbadox in feed
hemorrhagic bowel syndrome
older 4-6 months caused by intestinal VOLVULUS (may be sudden death) tx: prevent fighting, vigorous exercise tetracycline or bacitracin in feed
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
can cause death within hrs
TX ALL PIGS (ceftiofur, enro, florfenicol, tiamulin, tilmicosin)
Atrophic Rhinitis
acute - 3-6wk sneezing, EPISTAXIS, loss of turbinates, facial distortion
Swine Influenza
short course, low mortality (recover in 2w)
fever, oculonasal dc, coughing, patchy diffuse pneumonia w/ edema
+/- abortion outbreak
tx: abx if concurrent infection
(all LA except horses)
pigs are natural host and reservoir
CS: neonate - fever, convulsions, rapid death (100% mortality)
weanling - pneumonia, fever, tremors (20-50% mortality)
adult - no CS. stillbirth, abortion, occassional resp/neuro
tx: prevention (quarantine, vax)
lameness after 4-8 months
consider culling, drugs may alleviate
vit A def
young pigs
Head tilt, incoordination, weak hind
inc middle ear infection(like turtles)
sows - EED, congenital defects
Glassers ds
6-8 wk Haemophilus parasuis polyarthritis neuro - meningitis, convulsions (paddling) respiratory tx: penicillin
(sim CS to strep. suis)
Strep suis
<12 wk
neuro - memingitis, tremors, blindness ataxia, convulsions, fever
Greasy Pig Ds
exudative epidermitis
staph hyicus
young pigs 5-60d (older animals are subclinical carriers)
CS: thick red spotted skin, vesicles, pustules, anorexia,
suckling piglets - acutely fatal
tx: abx, daily topical, clip newborn needle teeth
Eysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
sudden death - peracute lameness vs. fever, diamond lesions, painful joints (chronic - arthritis and endocarditits) dx: Culture blood, PCR tissue tx: Penicillin cull chronic cases, zoonotic potential!!
(in large units, many silent shedders)
Zn deficiency (backyard pigs)
6-16 wk
resembles greasy pig
vesicular stomatitis
in USA
Report any vesicles in pigs!
Pityriasis rosea
raised circular lesions on ventral abdomen
*No tx, resolves on its own
etiology unknown
Rectal Prolapse
8-20 wk
can be cannibalized
growing pigs - excessive straining, colitis, coughing, cold weather
tx: replace, suture, long acting penicillin
Aujeszky’s Disease
HERPES VIRUS, spreads rapidly
CS: neuro/resp, highly fatal in piglets
(kills exposed dogs)
Swine Fever
African and Classical both reportable - clinically indistinguishable asfarviridae vs. flaviviridae - African causes red ears, tip necrosis
swine kidney worm
stephanurus dentatus
tx: ivermectin/fenben/levamisole in feed
- eradicate in 2 years - Replace older boars with young boars, only breed GILTS (bc long prepatent period)