P. 190 Rotter Julian
who is Julian Rotter?
Rotter is one of the most influential behaviorists in psychology.
= in his 1966 article, rotter explained that a person’s tendency to view events from an internal, versus an external, locus of control is fundamental to who we are and can be explained from a social learning theory perspective
p. 190 Julian Rotter
what did he proposed?
In his 1966 article he proposed that individuals differ a great deal in terms of where they place the responsibility for what happens to them.
p. 190 Julian Rotter
=external locus of control is:
When people interpret the consequences of their behavior to be controlled by luck, fate, or powerful others,
it indicates a belief
p. 190 Julian Rotter
= internal locus of control is when people interpret their own choices and personality as responsible for their behavioral Consequences.
p. 190 Rotter
what does LOCUS mean?
locus means location.
p. 190 Rotter Julian
according to Rotter how do we learned behaviors?
we LEARN behaviors from infancy through childhood because they are followed by some form of reward, or reinforcement.
=this reinforcement increases the child’s expectation that a particular behavior will produce the desired reward.
p. 190 Rotter Julian
according to Rotter what do individual learning experience create in us?
Rotter claimed that individual learning experiences create in us a GENERALIZED expectancy about whether reinforcement is internally or externally controlled.
p. 190 Rotter
according to Rotter what do generalized expectancy result in?
Rotter claimed that generalized expectancy will result in characteristic differences in behavior.
p. 191 Rotter
what did Rotter proposed to demonstrate in his research?
1=he predicted that a test could be developed to measure reliably the extent to which individuals possess an internal or an external locus of control orientation toward life.
2=he hypothesized that people will display stable individual differences in their interpretations of the causes of reinforcement in the same situations.
p. 191 Rotter method
1=what did Rotter called is designed scale?
2= how many pairs of statements did the earliest test contain?
3 = How many statements was it eventually revised to?
1=he called it the “I - E” scale.
I = for internal
E = for external
2 = The earliest test contain
60 pairs of statements
3 = it was revised to 23 statements, and added to it was 6 “filler items” designed to disguise the true purpose of the test.
p. 192 Rotter Method
1= after the I -E scale, what was Rotter’s next and most important step?
2= How was he going to do that?
To demonstrate that he could actually use this characteristic to predict people’s behavior in specific situations.
2 = by reporting on several studies in which scores on the I - E Scale were examined in relation to individuals interactions with various events in their lives.
=these studies revealed significant correlations between I - E scores and people’s behavior in many diverse situations, such as gambling, political activism, persuasion, smoking, conformity.
p. 192 Rotter results
what did Rotter’s findings found about,
1 = gambling?
Gambling = Rotter’s studies found that
=internal individuals tended to prefer betting on “sure things” and liked moderate odds over the long shots.
=Externals wager more money on risky bets. they also tend to engage in more unusual shifts in betting, called the “gambler’s fallacy” (such as betting more on a number that has not come up for a while on the basis that it is “due”.
p. 193 Rotter results
what did Rotter’s studies found about
= internals were found to be significantly more successful in altering the attitudes of others and more resistant to manipulation of their attitudes by others.
= smoking and smokers tended to be more external than nonsmokers = and internal individuals were able to quit smoking after the original surgeon general’s warning in 1966.
p. 193 Rotter results
Who developed the conformity test?
Solomon Asch
p. 193 Rotter / Discussio
what three suggestions did Rotter have for the development of an internal or external orientation?
b= what was one of his studies?
Rotter 3 suggestions:
1= cultural differences
2= socioeconomic differences
3= variations in styles of parenting.
b=he compared three distinct groups
= the Ute Indians
=the Mexican Americans
= the Caucasians
p. 194 Rotter / discussion
Ho did the 3 distinct groups compare?
The :
= Ute Indians were most external
= Caucasians were the most internal.
= Mexican American were between the other two groups.
(these findings suggested ethnic differences in locus of control)
=also a lower socioeconomic position predicts a greater externality.
p. 194 Rotter / discussion
What did Rotter hypothesized?
he hypothesized that those who are internal are more likely to: 1= gain information from the situations in their lives in order to improve their future behavior in similar situations.
2= take the initiative to change and improve their condition in life
3= place greater value on inner skill and achievement of goals and
4= be more able to resist manipulation by others.
p. 195 Rotter subsequent research
how do internal parents behave?
Internal parents or parents of internal children:
1= tend to be more affectionate, more consistent and fair with discipline, and more concerned with teaching children to take responsibility for their actions.
p. 195 Rotter /subsequent research
how did external parents behaved?
external parents are more authoritarian and restrictive and do not allow their children much opportunity for personal control.
p. 195 Sims and Baumann (1972)
tornados in Alabam & illinois
1=who had the greatest death rate?
2=what did they found?
3=how did this affected the residents of Alabama?
4=how are the residents of Illinois viewed?
1= Alabama: more people died in Alabama from tornados than Illinois.
2= they found that the respondents from Alabama demonstrated a significantly greater external locus of control than did those from Illinois.
3= they were seen as “less confident in themselves as casual agents; less convinced of their ability to engage in effective action.
4=as internal, and as such internal orientation promotes behaviors that are more likely to save lives in the event of a tornado (such as paying attention to the news media or alerting others).
p. 196 recent applications
Faith: God control:
Journal of Psychology and religion(Welton 1996)
what did this study conclude?
they concluded that:
The advantages associated with an internal locus of control were also found in the participants scoring high on the God control dimension.
=the authors (Welton 1996) perceived that if a person’s external power is perceived as a strong faith in a supreme being, he or she will be less subject to the typical problems associated with externals.(like depression, low achievement and motivation).
p. 196 / recent applications
Is the desire for human control learned or evolutionary?
2= what does the FMRI Study also proposed?
the FMRI studies suggested that:
= the human desire for control is not learned, but is an evolutionary , survival mechanism, passed down to us genetically.
2= the authors proposed that without the belief in your ability to make choices you perceive as producing the best outcome for you, there would be little motivation to face any challenges in your life at all, including choices that help to keep you healthy and safe from danger.
p. 197 / conclusion
IS used because a person’s locus of control can change under certain circumstances.