P. 158
What kinds of sexual problems do humans have that animals don’t?
humans are the only species that suffer from sexual problems such as hypoactive (low) sexual desire, problems with orgasm, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, vaginismus.
=this problems often have psychological CAUSES,
p. 159
what do we need to understand, in order to know the full expression of ourselves as sexual beings as well as the successful treatment of sexual problems?
we need a CLEAR and thorough understanding of our sexual functioning.
= and this is the PHYSIOLOGY of human sexual response.
=and this is what Masters and Johnson set out to study.
p. 159
what did the year 1960 became known as?
it became known as the “sexual revolution.”
=sex was secretive, hidden, and not a topic of discussion.
p. 160
what was Masters and Johnson’s most important proposition?
that to understand human sexuality we must study actual sexual behaviors as they occur in response to sexual stimulation, rather than simply record what people perceive or believe their sexual experiences to be.
p. 160
what did Masters and Johnson say we need to know about fundamental human sexual behavior?
1= what physical reactions develop as the human male and female respond to effective sexual stimulation? 2= Why do men and women behave as they do when responding to effective sexual stimulation?
p. 160 method
who did Masters and Johnson employed as their participants for their research?
8 females and three males. they were studied for 2 years.
p. 161 Procedures
what methods and observations did Masters and Johnson used?
the methods of measurements and observations used included such standard measures of physiological response as pulse, blood pressure, rate of respiration.
p. 162 participation
for the book, Masters and johnson estimated that they studied how many couples?
They studied 10,000 complete sexual response cycles with female observation outnumbering male observation by a ratio of 3 to 1.
p. 162 RESULTS
what did Master’s and Johnson’s research did not address?
their research did not address sexual attitudes, emotions, morals, values, preferences,orientations, or likes or dislikes.
(these matters are not similar for everyone)
p. 163 the sexual response cycle
what did Master’s and Johnson called the four stages of human sexual response ?
P. 163
What are the four stages of the human sexual response cycle?
1= excitement 2= plateau 3= orgasm 4= resolution
p. 163 -164 sexual Anatomy
what is “phallic fallacies”?
the worries of men regarding their penis size.
1= large penises are more effective in providing satisfying sexual stimulation for the woman.
2= their own penis is too small>
p. 164
what did Master’s and Johnson explain in the “Vagina Fallacies”?
the notion that a woman’s sexual enjoyment and satisfaction depend on penis size, and explain it in the “vagina Fallacies”.
explain the 4 stages of the human sexual response cycle?
1= Excitement= p.163 2=Plateau= p. 163
p. 164 -165 female & Male Differences in sexual response.
detumescence is the state that both men and women enter following an orgasm.
(when sexual tension decreases rapidly and sexual structures return to their unaroused states.
p. 165
what happen to a man during the detumescence state?
the man experiences a REFRACTORY PERIOD,during which he is physically incapable of experiencing another orgasm.
this refractory period may last several minutes to several hours or even a day, and it tends to lengthen as a man ages.
do woman have a refractory period?
no: and with continues effective stimulation are capable of experiencing one or more additional orgasms following the first.
called multiple orgasms
and are capable of maintaining an orgasmic experience for a relatively long period of time.
p. 165 Criticisms
what did Helen Singer Kaplan proposed?
she proposed a three stage model thatt includes desire, vasocongestion (engorgement of the genitals), and muscle contractions (orgasm).