O.T. Exam 2 Exodus Flashcards
what does Exodus mean?
it means “outgoing”, from a Greek word meaning exit or departure. this name is from the Septuagint.
the title in Hebrew is “these are the names of”
what is the Theology of Exodus?
- God speaks powerfully to all mankind.
- The Theology of salvation
- God’s Now Has A testimony people on Earth
- The Theology of the Law
- The Theology of Mediation
what are the themes of Exodus?
the themes are:
- The Exodus
- The law
- The Tabernacle
how much did the Israelites change in population?
some estimate that Abraham’s descendants had grown to over two million strong (600,000 men plus women and children -12:37)
what was God’s new name?
“I am who I AM”
later, Jesus would apply this name to himself.
john 8:58-59
what does John 8:58-59 say?
John 8:58-59
58.very truly i tell you, jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am! 59 at this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.
what was the purpose of the plagues?
- to show Israel their true God
- To show Egypt their false gods.
- To display his glory to all humanity.
How were the miracles of the plagues made clear to the egyptians ?
by the following evidences.
- Mosses predicted the coming of each, and it ws only at his word that many of them ceased.
- There was a sense of orderliness-they w.ere marked by increasing severity.
- There was some discrimination- after the first three plagues, the Israelites were completely protected from the suffering involved. 8:22; 9:7; 10:23; 11:7
what type of person is pharaoh an example of?
Pharaoh is an example of the type of person who sets his heart against any conviction from God, and interprets any act of God’s mercy as a sign that God will not, or cannot, enforce his predicted judgments. according to the book of revelations, this will be the same attitude of many to God’s final judgments
how many times is Pharaoh’s heart harden?
11 times
how were the Israelites exempt from God’s final judgment of the firstborn?
the Israelinte were not exempt from God’s final judgment of the firstborn simply because they were israelites, but only if they individually showed faith in God by giving obedience to his direction (Heb 11:28)
what was the passover lamb a type of?
the passover lamb was a beautiful type and foreshadow of the lord jesus.
what does John 1:29 say about the lamb?
the next day john saw jesus coming toward him and said, “look the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
what does 1cor 5:7 say about the lamb?
v7. get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch as you really are. for Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed.
what does 1 Peter 1:18-19 say about the lamb?
for you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from tour forefathers, but with the precius blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.
what is hyssop and what does it represent?
hysoop is a common plant of the field. and it represents FAITH. because
- as the hyssop plant was used to apply the lamb’s blood in the OT, so faith applies the blood to the human heartin the NT (ephesians 2:8-9)
- the mere death of the lamb did not automatically save anyone UNTIL the SHED blood was applied using the hyssop.
how was the festival of the passover reffered to?
in later years the whole festival was sometimes referred to as the “Passover” and sometimes as the “Feast of Unleavened Bread”
how is the passover remembered forever?
- this festival is kept by the jews to this day
- since the crucifixion and resurrection took place on the passover celebration, it coincides with our Easter celebration.
- the new testament makes it clear that this great event in Egypt speaks of the greater Passover and deliverance wrought by Jesus at calvary
comparisons 1
the exodus brought a mighty deliverance for Israel.
the Gospel brings a universal deliverance for all who believe.
comparisons 2
the Exodus was deliverance from physical bondage
the gospel is deliverance from spiritual bondage.
comparisons 3
the one deliverande was temporal
the other is eternal
comparisons 4
the first opened a way to an earthly promised land
the other to a heavenly one
what became the staple diet for Israel for 40 years?
Manna, the heavenly bread
how is the Manna a type of Christ?
- sent down from heaven
- sustained life
- it was a divine gift provided for all
- personal appropriation was necessary.
what was the water from the rock a type of?
and what does 1 cor 10:3-4 say about it?
the rock was a type of Chriist
and 1 cor 10:3-4 says:
they all ate the same spiritual food,4 and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.
how long was Israel on Mt. Sinai?
and what three major events took place during this time?
11 months and 5 days (Num 10:11)
the three major events
- the law is given
- the golden calf built and worshipped
- the construction of the tabernacle.
what are the 3-fold nature of the law
- the 10 commandments (the MORAL CODE)
- the Judgments (the SOCIAL CODE)
- the Tabernacle ( the SPIRITUAL CODE)
how were the 10 command also known as?
the ten commandment were also know as the DECALOGUE, from the Greek word meaning ten words.
how were the first 4 commandmd to?
as their personal relationship with God.
how were the last 6 commandments referred to?
as their relatioships with others
how did Jesus summarized the ten commandments?
matthew 22:36-39
teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law? 37 Jesus replied: “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 this is the first and greatest commandment. 39 and the second is like it “love our neighbor as yourself” 40 all the law and the prophets hang on these two comandments”
what does colossians 2:16 say
therefore, let none act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a sabbath day- things which are a mere shadowof what is to come; but the substance belongs to christ.
what was the sabbath for?
the sabbath was a day set aside for rest and worship. God provided a sabbath because human beings need to spend unhurried time in worship and rest each week.
what tribe was chosen to be the priest?
the tribe of Levi was chosen to be the priestly tribe that would be in charge of the tabernacle, the temple and all the holy instruments of God, they showed zeal in defending God’s honor so God chose them.
what does Exodus 32
:29 say?
then moses said, “you have been set apart to the Lord today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day”
the tabernacle
what does Exodus 25:9 say
make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern i will show you.
why was moses warning important?
it was imortant because moses was making on earth a copy of what already existed in heaven.
the holy of holies and the veil:
what happen to the veil when Christ died?
- the veil was torn in half, from top to bottom meaning this was a Divine act.
- when the veil was torn, the holy of holies was exposedd. God’s presence was now accessible to all.
the ark of the covenant:
what three items were place in the ark?
- a golden pot of manna
- Aaron’s (budded) staff,
- the two stone tablets of the ten commandments