what is curriculum?
- the course or direction set by a teacher through which the student is to progress educationally.
- the sum of all the experiences of the teaching-learning process.
- the content that you plan to teach.
- the term used to speak of all studies, activities, resources, or experiences a student encounters in an educational endeavor.
how many types of curriculum are there?
what are the types of curriculum?
there are three there are 3 types of curriculum.
1) Formal or explicit - The planned content that the teacher seeks to convey to the students.
2) Informal or implicit - the unplanned content that occurs in a teachinng situation.
3) Null (none) - the content we choose not to teach.
value for using published curriculum:
What is Developmental publilshed curriculum?
- p.c. writers are experts on the characteristics of the age groups they are writing for.
- they give methods geared to the way the specific age group thinks, feels and behaves.
- they choose stories and material geared to the way specific age groups learn.
value for using P.C.:
what is the Educational methodology?
- Published curriculum has the ability to remain current and effective in methodology selection.
- New teaching techniques are constantly updated, published curriculum keeps up to date on the newest techniques.
- Published curriculum provides variety of resources used in education.
- curriculum providers produce visual aides, workbooks, etc. that would be expensive for the average church to produce and provide.
WHAT is Long Range lesson planning?
- addresses the need for planning ahead what will be taught not only this week by next month, next year, in five years.
- published curriculum takes the guess work out of what the previous teacher has used and allows a formal way of progressing though the bible.
- prevents teachers from doing whatever seems right in their own eyes.
why use published curriculum?
- good curriculum materials are an aid to creative bible teaching.
- the teacher can draw on and adapt resources that most lay people do not have access to.
- Curriculum can serve to enhance the teaching of the Bible.
Special needs:
1) what are the types of Disabilities?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. (ADHD) > Neurodevelopmental disorder >Trouble paying attention >Unable to control impulsive behavior >Overly active
Special needs:
2) what is another type of disability?
Autism Spectrum Disorder. (ASD) >Impaired social interactions. >Delayed or unusual communication styles. >Repetitive behavior patterns >Difficulty with sensory processing.
speci? what is a third learning disability?
Learning Disability
>Affects the ability to understand or use spoken or written language, do mathematical calculations, coordinate movements, or direct attention.
>Reading, writing, math skills
special needs:
what is a 4th learning disability?
Intellectual Disability >Trouble with conceptual, social, and practical skills. >Language, literacy, time, money >Interpersonal, social problem - solving >Daily living skills, safety.
special needs:
What can i do 1 ?
> Parent involvement >Individualized approach >Celebrate and Focus on ABILITY >form relationships >Patience, patience, patience
special needs:
What can i do 2?
> Avoid distractions
>Noise, lights, smell
>Avoid overstimulation
Material and Program:
>chunk tasks, directions and lessons
>rephrase directions >Multi - sensory (visuals, audio,movement, touch >Buddy up >Transitions and warnings >Allow time for processing >Schedule and routine >Rules/Expectations >Model and encourage appropriate social interactions > Go to bag > be discreet > praise the positive
Responsive class approach:
What is Responsive Classroom approach?
> is a way of teaching that emphasizes social, emotional, and academic growth in a strong and safe school community.
grater teacher effectiveness.
higher student achievement
improved school climate.
responsive class approach:
what are some teaching Practices?
>Morning meeting > creating Rules & Logical Consequences >Interactive Modeling >Teacher Language > Guided Discovery > Academic choice > Classroom Organization >working with families > collaborative problem solving
Responsive classroom approach:
What is Morning Meeting?
> Greeting
Group Activity
Responsive classroom approach:
what is creating rules & logical consequences?
> Rules
1) model the behavior you want to see
2) create rules with your class.
3) keep the rules simple.
> Logical consequences:
1) you break it, you fix it
2) Loss of Privilege
3) Positive time out
responsive classtroom approach;
what is the interactive Modeling approach?
interactive Modeling
- sets routines and expectations
- show children what you expect
- they say what they notice you doing
- they practice what they saw you do
- establishes a visual and verbal support of expectations.
- reminders give children time to pause and visualize the expectations that have been set before taking action.
responsive classroom approach:
what is teacher language?
sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
-words can be as damaging to the mind as physical blows are to the body…. the scars from verbal assaults can last for years.
responsive classroom approach:
what type of teacher language does not promote learning?
verbal abuse are words that attack or injure an individual, words that cause one to believe an untrue statement, or speak falsely of an individual. > Psychological Violence. > It is control/power over another. >it is damaging to one's spirit >It takes the joy and vitality out of life. >it increases low self-esteem. >it increases lack of confidence. > and overtime, the relationship dies.
responsive classroom approach:
what are other teacher language that do not promote learning?
> yelling > using sarcasm > insulting >intimidating > ridiculing > disparaging Ideas > belittling > criticizing >trivializing desires > accusing > treating with scorn > put downs > blaming >name calling > rejecting Opinions > Mocking
responsive classroom approach:
teacher language?
> words can shape the identities of children
words can affet how children at, think and play
our tone of voice can damage/heal learning
our words can damage/ heal relationships
responsive classroom approach:
what are the 3 teacher language?
- reinforcing language
- reminding language
- redirecting language
responsive classroom approach:
what does Reinforcing Language do?
example of: >i noticed >I see > you remembered > you decided to -----------. what was your thinking there? >lots of good--------going on here.
reinforcing language
- noticing what children do right
- names concrete, specific behaviors
- uses a warm and professional tone.
- emphasizes description over personal approval
- considers adding a question to extend students thinking.
- finds positives to name in all students
- avoids naming individuals as examples for others
- most of the time, we should use this type of language.
reinforce classroom approach:
what does reminding language do?
reminding language
- starts by establishing expectations clearly.
- phrase a reminder as a question or a statement.
- uses a direct tone and neutral body language.
- uses reminders proactively or reactively
- uses reminders when the child and you are both calm.
- keeps reminders brief.
- watches for follow through
examples: >think about how we >remind me how we >show me how >what should you be doing right now >safety rules >what can you do that will help?
reinforce classroom approach:
what does Redirecting language do?
examples of: > clean up your area > sit at another table where you can pay attention >stop. eyes on me > use a quiet voice >Put that away now >use kind words >dinner rules
redirecting language
- is direct and specific
- names the desired behavior
- keeps it brief
- phrase redirections as a statements, not ?
- follows through after giving a redirecting