what is curriculum?
- the course or direction set by a teacher through which the student is to progress educationally.
- the sum of all the experiences of the teaching-learning process.
- the content that you plan to teach.
- the term used to speak of all studies, activities, resources, or experiences a student encounters in an educational endeavor.
how many types of curriculum are there?
what are the types of curriculum?
there are three there are 3 types of curriculum.
1) Formal or explicit - The planned content that the teacher seeks to convey to the students.
2) Informal or implicit - the unplanned content that occurs in a teachinng situation.
3) Null (none) - the content we choose not to teach.
value for using published curriculum:
What is Developmental publilshed curriculum?
- p.c. writers are experts on the characteristics of the age groups they are writing for.
- they give methods geared to the way the specific age group thinks, feels and behaves.
- they choose stories and material geared to the way specific age groups learn.
value for using P.C.:
what is the Educational methodology?
- Published curriculum has the ability to remain current and effective in methodology selection.
- New teaching techniques are constantly updated, published curriculum keeps up to date on the newest techniques.
- Published curriculum provides variety of resources used in education.
- curriculum providers produce visual aides, workbooks, etc. that would be expensive for the average church to produce and provide.
WHAT is Long Range lesson planning?
- addresses the need for planning ahead what will be taught not only this week by next month, next year, in five years.
- published curriculum takes the guess work out of what the previous teacher has used and allows a formal way of progressing though the bible.
- prevents teachers from doing whatever seems right in their own eyes.
why use published curriculum?
- good curriculum materials are an aid to creative bible teaching.
- the teacher can draw on and adapt resources that most lay people do not have access to.
- Curriculum can serve to enhance the teaching of the Bible.
Special needs:
1) what are the types of Disabilities?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. (ADHD) > Neurodevelopmental disorder >Trouble paying attention >Unable to control impulsive behavior >Overly active
Special needs:
2) what is another type of disability?
Autism Spectrum Disorder. (ASD) >Impaired social interactions. >Delayed or unusual communication styles. >Repetitive behavior patterns >Difficulty with sensory processing.
speci? what is a third learning disability?
Learning Disability
>Affects the ability to understand or use spoken or written language, do mathematical calculations, coordinate movements, or direct attention.
>Reading, writing, math skills
special needs:
what is a 4th learning disability?
Intellectual Disability >Trouble with conceptual, social, and practical skills. >Language, literacy, time, money >Interpersonal, social problem - solving >Daily living skills, safety.
special needs:
What can i do 1 ?
> Parent involvement >Individualized approach >Celebrate and Focus on ABILITY >form relationships >Patience, patience, patience
special needs:
What can i do 2?
> Avoid distractions
>Noise, lights, smell
>Avoid overstimulation
Material and Program:
>chunk tasks, directions and lessons
>rephrase directions >Multi - sensory (visuals, audio,movement, touch >Buddy up >Transitions and warnings >Allow time for processing >Schedule and routine >Rules/Expectations >Model and encourage appropriate social interactions > Go to bag > be discreet > praise the positive
Responsive class approach:
What is Responsive Classroom approach?
> is a way of teaching that emphasizes social, emotional, and academic growth in a strong and safe school community.
grater teacher effectiveness.
higher student achievement
improved school climate.
responsive class approach:
what are some teaching Practices?
>Morning meeting > creating Rules & Logical Consequences >Interactive Modeling >Teacher Language > Guided Discovery > Academic choice > Classroom Organization >working with families > collaborative problem solving
Responsive classroom approach:
What is Morning Meeting?
> Greeting
Group Activity