What is Spirituality?
a set of personal beliefs that come from an individual’s perception of self and his or her relationship to the natural world and to some world or reality beyond what can be seen.
what is Religion?
a particular set of beliefs, practices and rituals that has been developed in community by people who share similar existential experiences of transcendent reality
what is Faith?
Trusting that one’s belief in the ultimate meaning in the universe is true
what are Positive Outcomes Associated with Religion and Spirituality?
- Members of faith communities often find support in times of trouble.
- Spirituality and religion are important assets in contributing to a range of social, physical and mental health well-being and promoting and sustaining positive changes in individuals
when did social work as a profession began?
- Social work as a profession began in the 1870s as charity organizations began to hire paid staff.
- 1890s—widening gap between social work and social ministries
- From religion to science
- Council on Social Work Education
what happens when we Integrating Faith, Religion and Spirituality?
- Ministry of presence
- Being open to the spiritual aspects of human need
- Helping individuals suffering from trauma
- make sense of the world
- Connecting participants with Pastoral Care
what is Ministry of Presence?
- All services are “religious” in that they are carrying out the will of Jesus Christ. –Presence Evangelism
- We have a choice: provide loving, sensitive service that does not seek to impose our own agenda…if we cannot, we confirm cynicism and alienation.
- We are God’s representatives
what does it mean to Being Open to the Spiritual Aspects of Human Need?
- If we are paying attention, we may recognize other than material needs
- Spiritual issues may be central to the participant’s crisis.
- Awareness and sensitivity to cultural and spiritual backgrounds may be critical to understanding the participant’s world and their place in it.
how does Helping Individuals Suffering from Trauma Make Sense of the World?
- Flawed world—natural disasters, violence, unexpected loss, personal tragedies.
- Individuals react differently to traumatic events.
- Sense of Coherence (SOC)
- Three components: How comprehensible, meaningful, and manageable life is.
what is Christian Faith in Practice/Pastoral Care?
- Prayer: one of the most controversial expressions of shared faith in the social work setting.
- Prayer can be used productively:
- To frame my work as incomplete and flawed
- To “center” our work with the participant in the purpose and meaning of the participant’s life
- Prayer can be used productively (cont…):
- To identify the participant’s spiritual self
- To claim the promises of God and generate hope (forgiveness, redemption, peace, presence)
- To teach prayer
- Prayer should never be used:
- To exert influence over the other.
- To prove the social worker’s spirituality
- As an escape
what are the 4 principles of the intersection of the legal framework, values and Ethics?
A.Legal Framework:
- Requirements for certified or licensed professionals
- Legal requirements of government programs (TANF)
- Immigration
B.being aware of one’s values
C. Applying the code of Ethincs
D. building on strengths. hope,dignity and self determination.
what is Being Aware of our personal values and morals?
and what are the Essential Values?
1.You are a product of your individual background and your own experiences.
2.Families helped us acquire ideas about morality
3.What will this affect?
=Essential values:
=Dignity—most central value, three components: intrinsic worth of all people, the person’s view of self and the actions that reflect that intrinsic worth, and the way others respond to that person.
=Self Determination—right to determine the form, direction, and substance of the case management help they receive. (Choice of goals and ways of meeting those goals)
The feeling of wanting something to happen and thinking it could happen
=The chance that something good will happen
=Someone or something that may be able to provide help
what is Hope Scale?
- Temporary and Future: Desired outcome is realistically probable in the near or distant future.
- Positive Readiness and Expectancy: a feeling of confidence with initiation of plans to affect the desired outcome
- Interconnectedness: recognition of the interdependence and interconnectedness between self and others and between self and spirit.
how do you apply Ethical Behavior—applying the Code of Ethics?
1.Confidentiality (pg 33)
2.Dual Relationships and maintaining boundaries
3..Boundary Violations
=.Intimate relationships
=Personal benefit
=Altruistic actions
=Purposefully socializing with your participants
Defining Poverty?
- US Government defines poverty using a set of money income thresholds based on family size
- Wages
- Child support
- Unemployment assistance
- Supplemental Security Income
- *Non cash benefits are not included (SNAP)
what Factors contributing to poverty?
- Economic growth
- Educational levels
- Wage stagnation
- Childcare
what are the Determinants of Poverty?
- Present economic and social context
- The individual’s past life experience
- How the individuals see themselves in the present and in the future
How does life experience contribute to poverty?
- The loss of a parent through divorce or death
- Psychological and/or physical abuse by parents
- Sexual abuse by anyone
- Substance abuse in the family
- Mental illness in the family
- Domestic violence
- The imprisonment of a family member