Topic 6- Stalinism Flashcards
What motivated stalin to act as he did
Personal power- purges, removes opp
Permenance comm- ideology- rev believes in it, old b
Security- his own and ussr
Russian paranoia and comp- industrail
Actionos of others- fp appeasment of west with ger, t permemnt rev, socialism in one country
Saw himself modernsier- peter the great- also loved science- lysenko
Need to crush all opposition= like ivan iv ivan teh terrible
Practical and pragmatic- a bureaucrat
Soviet patrioytism
Russian imperialism
Shaped by life in the underground of party
Legacy on ussr- stalin
Soveit prestige
Society case for stalin
Reverse divorce laws may help to reduce family breakdown
Embrace russian idenyity later- reinstate holy day 1930
Russification uietd society
Literacy rates increased eg magnitogrowk- by 1957- 75% kluterate
8-11yo 14-20 mill in school
God like dugrue to coonise russia
Case against stalin society
Family laws 1936 reverse lib
Further class warfare
Despite family laws divroce stil remained high at 35% in moscow
Antisemitism- doctors plot 1951
Restrictions on religion
1938 ban pilgrimage mecca, ban schools, 1929-40 no holy day
1931 wage differentials stakhanovites
Judgeemnt stalin society
V damagnig yet literacy good
Industry case for stalin
Rapid industrialisation- magnitogrosk, dnieepe dam
5y pans- 3rd self sufficienty in stell works
T34 tank
Moved 5k factories east
Industry to a point where could compeet industrial power
Industry case against stalin
Achieved through gulags and 2 mill pow ww2
5y plan- targetmania, lack quality, consumer markets
Usa wins in cold war on desirability to lie in
Judgement on stalin industry
Very sucessful yet sacrifices made
Agriculture case for stalin
Collectivisiation did increase output
Removed rebelious elements - 1 mill kulaks, ukrainna rbellion nat
Mts and 75% threshing emchanised
1927 wooden ploughs used widely
Not hold country hostage
Kolkhoz saw 1 acre private land
Case against stalin agriculture
Lives lost and brutalisty- ukraines holodomour 4.5 mill, kulaks 1 millgulags
Not increae output 1932 famine
Not enough tractors- 1:14 fars
Collectivisation seocd serfodm
Judgement stalin on agriculture
Sucessful ppolitically, moderately in agri, lots lives lost
Imperialsim case for stalin
Expanded with comecon, cominform
Ee- iron curtain
Nk china
With ideaoogy
Imperalism case against stalin
Tito yugoslavia
China diff ideology
Nk no further than that
Regime leadership case for stalin
Cenrtalised leadership, effective race
Great turn 1928
3 trials
Trostky ice pck
Lenin enrollment
Regime leadership case against stalin
Purges and paranoia wweakened army and industry
Tukachevsky middle class managers
Lack central cm
Started winning once stepped back in war
Judgement on regime leadership
V effective in his aim yet celarly lakc fairness and democracy
Security case for stalin
Atomic bomb 1949
Iron curtain buffer zone
Furher barrier
Sucess gpw
Secuirty council of un- presige recognition and can veto
Security case against stalin
Us and others had atomic bomb
Seato and sento and nato- alienate other side buffer
Airlifet faild
West mark
Security judgement
Largely sucessful
Soveit prestige case for stalin
Atomic bomb 1949 superpower
Indusrtail t 34 tanks
Good porpaganda
Stalelite stets propped up
Compete usa
Necessary evil to commnicat- need dialogue
Chinal alliance
Korea war
Mao look up to
Soviet prestige case against stalin
Tarnished with comm and brutality dicttaorship
Never match up usa- has nato to beat satleite state
Sberlin blockade sign wekaness
China not embrace stalinism
Soviet prestige judgement
Moderately sucessful yet undermined