Topic 6- Cold War Flashcards
Why did the great alliance break down
Post war conferences
Soviet controll ee
War of words
Truman doctrine and marshall plan
Who to blame failure post war conferences
Trad view west
Yet applebawm soveits
Feb 1945
Stalin roosevelt annd churchil agree to - un , divide ger in three, stalin decleare war jpn 3 months defeat ger in return sakhain island manchuria
Yet disagree future poland- churchill prepared to concede yet roosevelt convineced not- stalin wanted expand to river oder
Mar 1945
Us and british reps met to discuss surrener ger terrirtor n italiy
Stalin feared seperate peace deal
Roosevelt concerned breaking down relations
Yet privatley not trust stalin
July 1945
Relatively civil
Truman reveal to stalin that us had atomic bomb
Stalin wish to decrese reparations on ger
Future post war meetings
Broke down as molotov demanded recognition of romania and bulgaira soviet gov yet us not agree
Brewing fear of domino effect
Chnage leaders trunan more hard line
West trunks agianst stalin barbaric treatnebt of east ger when expand raping
Stalin replaced poland with pro soveit gov
Soviet control ee blame
Stalin but could argue security needed atomic bomb ect
Stalin and churchill percentages agreement
King micheal 2h ultimatum to choose pm acceptable to moscow yet ra impmose anyway
Soviet control ee
Pro comm gov bulgaria and hungary
Invade iran
Forcibly expelled 5 million ger living there
Move border to river oder not in yalta agreement
War of words
Mccauley- the soviets were their own worst enemies
Truman speech 1947
Long telegram
Iron curtain speech
Truman speech
Jan 1946
Truman declared romania and bulgaria police states and not recognised by us
Long telegram
Stalin speak at bolshoi theatre oon us agression
Kennan american diplomat moscow sent long telegram- arguably overexaggerate
Stated that stalin thought ww3 inveitable- not true
Dollar imperialism- claim us persue policy of world domination via econ means
Kennan exaccerabetd tenisons
Iron curtain speech
Mar 1946
Called for us gb alliance for prevent further soveit expansion
Churchill asked by truman to do so
Truuman doctrine
Policy of containment
Not let communism spread another inch
75% in favour
Every nation faced with a choice between 2 alternative ways of life
Ussr in 1947
Soveits demand massive reparations of ger
Americans refuse so r refuse accept byrnes open door migration policu
Poland czechoslovakia hungary applied world bank for loan yet refused
Marshall plan
Usa giev aid to europe porvided produced plans for european integration
Offered to ee yet refudes
Encouraged setting. Up of fully comm gov iwth contral control, planned ecno
Debate on china
15th party congress 1927
Critic stalin over policies support nat not com in chinese civil war
Yet stalin committed to comm in one country so used as weapon against stalin as for perment rev
1944 china
Kmt nat defeated by jpn high inflation gov corruption undermining chiang leadership
Mao deveops idea repleace chiang as one party dictatiorship with coalition gov nc ccp
Chiang refuse
1945 china
Yalta agreed ussr declare war jpn 3 months after surrender ger- assisting americans
Ussr not know atoomic bombs, so started invading manchurian when us droppped bomb and jpn surrender
Soveit war on japn mao support ussr assuming that would not accept kmt victory- yet did with chiang rrecognised with sino soveit treaty, joint control chinese eastern rsilwr
1947 china
Marshall misson failed, leading to re eruption of civil war
Sec state us aim nat gov with ccp minority
1948 china
Mao ordered offensives and advances into central china- stalin backed
Kovalev commisar for transport- repair bridges and railways- advance ccp troops and improve communications between ussr and mao
Limited us assistance meant chiang defeated
Nato pact
1949 china
Peoples republic of china proclaimed
Chiang and 2 million people to taiwan nat gov and clained china ligit gob
1950 china
Mao visit moscow to celebrate stalin 70th birthday- sino soviet pact negoitioan
Mao a big politcal asset to deal with imepralist counrties in the world
Pact agreed
Coop if attacked usa jpn, peace tals w japan, consult each other on matters mutually improtant
Ussr suppied with cheap tungsten and tin for 10y
Stalin provides military support p[rc inc estbalishment air defence installations in coastal areas nr taiwan
1945 cold war
Truman president
Hiroshima nagasaki
Tito power yugoslavia
Ra librate ee
1946 cold war
Soviet spies in canada
Comm in czech
Long telegram
Iron curtain speech
1947 cold war
Cominform formed
Rakosi hungary
Marshall plan
Truman odoctrine
1948 cold war
Marshall aid
West mark
Marshall aid
4bn 2y firt bit
Most common expalnation of propserity gap
West mark
Introduced into occupation zones june 1948
Along with bizenia united british and america
Soveit repsonded iwth berlin blockade- blockimg off electricity and orad, rail base across to west berlin
Airlift from allies
Ld anti nazi residstance and created loyal backing- without much support ra
National indepndence
Throughout soviet bloc purges and arrests titoists- later used interchably trotskyist
Kicked out cominform - accept marshall aid
Consequences berlin blockade
Increasing supicipn of ussr by west
4 power admin ended with 2 blcos fdr west and gdr or ddr east
West alliiance nato
Airlift shows western commitemnet to ebrlin
Ussr and west both clained victory
Peaceful ending to blockade- both powers unwilling go to ear hence stalin not shhoot down planes, an act of war
Berlin kept alive
Salami tactics in czechoslovakia
Comm came to power coup feb 1948
Pruge oppositionists from police to provoke resignition of opposition parties from gov
Initimidate president benes to concede to demand for comm dictted gov
Cominform policies imposed
Mass arrests kulaks
Heroes labour promoted versions of stakhanovites
Portraits stalin displayed everywhere
Every school child learn russian, language requirement job where higher education called for- russification
Removal of zhukov
His name vanished frompress
Written out of war accounts, stalin now appeeared as sole archietct of victory
Why leningrad opposed
City with strong sense of indepndence form moscow- strnegthend from solidarity in sige
Vibrant literary cultra rooted in eruooepan values of 19thc
Pow in gulags
2 mill
For timber felling
Eg volga don canal
Worsening situation easants
Taxes collective farms increased by 1/3 1946-48
Famine in countryside due to poor harvest 1946- left 1 mill people starvation and disease died
100 mill hungry
Scientist who was celbrated
Claimed to develop new strain of wheatthat would grow in artic
Shut down culture
State museum modern western art closed down
Zoshchenko and akhmatova- leningrads- published in zvezda and leningrad
Censuring of scientists
Nina klieuva and roskin for giving info about heir cance rreasearch to americans during us tour 19946
Dragged before honour court- new institution to examine acts of anti patriotic anture
Increased control on outside relations
Feb 1947- law passed to outlaw marriages to foriegners
Hotels restaurants and embassies watched by police for soveit girls who met foriegn men
Stalin antisemitism
Dec 1952- stalin told meeting central committee- every jew is a potential spy for the us
Tensions from lt in cold war
Ussr felt west didnt suffer enough- long time before opened second front
Yet did have invasion and considerable loss of life
Korean war
Ra nk 1945
Us propose divide on 38th parallel but kim il sung want unite under comm
Parties created both sites and lead
Soveits withdraw 1948 but left arms delievriies- increasing wepoans by 1950 which allowed north to dominate in sourth
But west with us british push back quickly
Soveit objectives for far east
Security- manchuria
Spread ideology
Econ0 tungsten armaments
Comerical interests- port arthur
Nk backup if china failed
1951 china
Mao wrote comm book to be pubished in rusisa- look for support and guidence
Ccp cc - representative all comm party of asnsian countries- essential cominform for asia
But western alliances
Seato and sento