To Go Over- Part 2 Flashcards
Was nep working by 1927 no peasants
Graini production still hold country hostage
Wooden ploughs- backwards- 5 mill still in use by 1927 failure to modernise
Land holdings smaller than before 1911- large estates suplying cities had disappeared
Relationship between peasants and city deterioriated since civil war0 see worse tambov 118 feb
Peasants not producting q needed for industrial exapnsion- 1913 exported 12 mill tonees, best year nep never morethan 3 mill tonnes
Debastating inpact foriegn trade 1926-27 exports 33% 1913
Poor harvest 1927 starvating in cities
Had to sell grain cheaply to gov- have to sell more to make up costs- but no consumer goods so litle point
Nep working for workers y
Better off than before rev- wages had 2.6x 1920-26
8hr working fay
Workers had a role in state within factories with local tu member running factories alongside specialist directions
Nep not working for workers by 1927
Real wage only just passed 1913 levels by 1928
High unemp throughout nep
Gap between workers and higehr society evident and complained about bitterly
High food prices increased scarcity
Paid less than specialits or officers
Women suffered forecd out of jobs when red army mobalised large no unemployed and unsupported on streets
Housing problem overcrowding - smolensk 1929 6-7 live in one room
Crime increased in cities
Famine 1932-34
Poor weather and increased demand urban pop 28 to 40 mill 1930-32
Grain less left peasantry 60 to 40 mil tonne 1928-31
Estimated 4.5mill died holodomour
Foriegn support 5y plans
Large no companies sent specialists engineers and skilled workers to enact new factories and exploit new resources- ford automodtive industry
Colonel hugh- heloed byuld dam
A kucksiger asbestos industry in remote place in urals called aspbestos
Aims first 5y plans
Heavy indsurty- coal iron steel oil machinery
Boost electricity x6
Light industry chemicals
2nd 5y plan aim
Rail road water networks transport
Consumer goods to a degree
2nd 5y plan sucess
Became virtually self sufficient in machinery making and metal works
Transport links increased
Chemical indsutry increase
Increased focus consumer goods- food processes, good workers
Moscow metro opened
Coal amd electricity x2
Dates 1st 5y plan
2nd 5y [plan
3rd 5y plan
Sucess 3rd
Increased leisure 1939- 30,000 xitizens ussr sports facilities public gardens
Increased schools almost 200,000 across ussr by 1940
Increased copper output 60%
Setbacks 3rd
Econ slowdown
Lack of planning- skill and lost great purges
Decreased maternity leave and free education
Fuel crisis
3rd policies used
Internal passports 1938 and labour books
1940 absenteeism became a crime
Forced labour
300,000 prisoner worked on belamor baltic white sea- many kulaks arrested in ocllectivisation
After 1930 all criminals sentenced to more than 3y sent to labour camps
Gov decreed ghese camps should 3be self supporting
Labour camps set up in forests of frozen north and timbers production was exportied to help econ - money for industrial investment
Forced lab increased great purges mid 1934
Cheap lab
Worker who produced x16 normal output of coal- got masive bonus of almost x7 mormal
Pravda coined term stakhanovite movement
Nov0stalin called for stakhonovism to spread ‘widely and deeply’ across ussr
New movement as way of convincing management to adopt new production methods, icnreased rates production
Great steel plant 150,000 people live
Built 1929-34
Schools for evryone
Although mid 1930s still had 17.5% living in mud huts
Approach arts and culture lenin
Lunacharsky moveaway higha rts and towards popular culture
Established commisar of pop entertainment
Stalin lit
Tool propaganda- pravda and trostly
All writers member of russian association of proletarian writers controlled stalin support- zhadanov
Siome optimism- ostrovsky- hohw the steel was tempered
Stalin film
Einstein fell out of favour 1928 returned before conflict w alexander nevsky 1938 commsioned by stalin ahimself
Socialist realism- simple story and plot
Holywood pop and allowed if idndt clash socilaist ideals
Quality of life for workers and peasants suffered stalin econ policies 30s econ personal finance yes
1937 av real wages 3/5 1928 levels
1932 poor harvest ukraine desipte quotas decrease 14%
1933 av married moscow worker consume less than half bread did in 1900s
High turnover labour- coal industry 1930 x3/yr
Quality of life for workers and peasants suffered as result stalin econ policy in 1930s econ personal finance- no
Egalitarianism in wages abandoned- increasing incentive opportunities
Around 13,500 new bread shipes opened 1934
Rations ended 1935
1931 klibyshev pay incentives new leader gosplan, piece payments paid to be more productive
Manager allowed pay bonuses
Quality of life for workers and peasants suffered as result stalin econ policy in 1930s society/incentive- yes
Allocated housing space in moscow 5.5 to 4sqm per person
1938 labour dooks and internal passports introduced
1935 maternity and free education fall
Quality of life for workers and peasants suffered as result stalin econ policy in 1930s society/incentive no
Moscow metro opened 1938
30,000 cinemas opened ussr
Opened sports facilities, public goods, parks of culture
1930- qll chilidren 8-11 must be in school increased no pupils 14 to 20 mill 1928-30
Cult of personality develop 1924-29
Lenin died, leadership race
Leadership was using party as anynoymous colective body making joint decisioin- yet few party leaders appear
After lenin death stalin increase media image , wanted to appear as had working man or moderation
After his efforts in civil war and tsaritskin renamed stalingrad in 1920s
Stalin is true lenin of todya- disciple
At meeting central comm, congress recieved larger and longer applauds
Cult stalin 1929-33
1931 huge push marx engles lenin and stalin appear on speches ie oct rev and celebrations
Priase heaped on stalin on his work with lenin and 1st year plan
Needed strong leader with disruptive econ polcu
Nursery walls with thank you stalkin for my happy childhood
Cult peronslaity 1933-39
Ns pact 3rd and 4th
1935 onwards only speak stalin in glooowing terms- almost propehtic
History of all union comm party stalin more present in oct rev- devoted to bolshevism- textbook that widely used 2 mill copied yb 1940
Statue of stalin at great soviet exhibition 1934
Portraits him as child teaching almost chrits like figure natural born leader
Height of cult personality post 1945
Won ww2 and defeat anazis enhanced his power
Celebrate 70th brithday
Picture him god like figure with lenin - sometimes appearing to tell lenin what to do
Omnipresent image of stalin reminded the society he everywhere- he udnerstands your hopes and has your best interests at heart
Prokofief 1939 song for 60th birthday ‘the name of stalin will protect us from harm
How sucessful were comm in modernising russian agriculture 1928-41
Collective farms
Machinery and tech
Grain requiisition
De kulak
Modernise r collective farms
Aim create rural proletariat
Sucesssful wihtt comm- more efficinet to requisist
1939 stalin said fully collectivised
1937- called for ocllectvvised
Durranty ny times pontemkin villlages
Sustain with 1 acre land
But hated so killed animals in protest
Machinery and tech- comm modernise agriculture
Mts 2500 stations- not enough
By 1932 144 tractors/day produced
Aimed proletarinaise peasants- ogpu and nkvd in mts
Crop rotation on 20% land in 1930s
1939 threshing mechanised 75%
Grain requisition comm modernise agriculture
Used exports- reducung amount left to peasanrts 60 mill tonnes to 40
Grain requsiition more than needd- political- famine 1932- 5 mill, 4.5 mill holodmour
1941 reach 19133 levels
Urals siberian methods with kolkoz effective but labour intensive and unsustainable
Dekulakisation comm modernise
Pavlik morozov aspiration
10 mill in lab camps or siberia by 1941
Nkvd order 00447 term vague
Nkvd order 00447 date
July 1937
Failur eof gigantomania
Gulag project white sea canal- belomorkanal- employed 100,000 prisoners by 1932
But to save time and money depth of canal reduced from 22ft to just 12
Render useless for all bst shallow barges and passenger vesselss
Prisoners basic hand tools instead of dynamite and machinery
25,000 prisoners died during first winter 1931-32 alone
Stalin killed kirov
Remove a potent leadership rival within party- oratory skills and popular
Embarassed politburo and 17th party congress- oppose pace industriliase parytu agreed
Relaxation of terro rand concilliation with peasantry decreasing nkvd
Reestablish political cocntrol at the top
Pruge leningrad partuy- leading g leningrad nkvd men accused neglecting not protecting kirob- hard labour guests- but sent in spread railways and recieved special treatment
Spread fear widely
Nkvd killed kirov
Lewis and whitehead
Told that stalin wanted kirov removed
Kirov wanted to relax the terror threaten nkvd
Did not want kirov to replace stalin
Did not actually intend for nikolayev to kkill kirov but stop the attack before it happened- justifying their role as govenores of state secuirtyq
Nikolayev killed kirov
Disgrunteled with poarty expelled 1934 hated party beuracyr
Afffair between his wife and kirov- in diary- ‘personal act of desparation
Disillusionment with kirov leadership in leningrad
Trail of 16
Aug 1936
Zk and 14 others complicit with torslky plot to kill stalin and other members of politburo
Yagoda,head of nkvd oversaw interrogation proceedings despite no evidence present
Z plotted to kill stalin- begged for life, stalin recreated and laughted
Vystinsky accused guolty of spying for foriegn powers and counter rev involved kirov murder
Kz executed
Igniited fear- assassination attempt stalin
Yagoda increasing power- sucessful
Trail of 21
Accused bukahrin yagoda rykov of kirov murder and trying to overturn gov
Bukharin chargded attenpt murder of lenin
Pl,ed guilty, proetct family, wife and cgukdren held hostage
Judge demmed as foul smelling heap of human garbage
Stalin turned on yagoda- scapgoat
Removed right of party fully
Responsibility for the great terror
Stalin personality- loa large extent
Nkvd yezhov
For the country/econ and war
Responsiblity great terror for country econ and war y
Order 00447 classify kulaks to death, class enemies, bklocing collectivisation
Classify antisoviet elements sent to gulags- 40,000 by 1937
Finance industrialisation gulags- dizzy with success fear of faling behind
Purge thos ethreaten country- foreigers- 400,000 volga germans- siberia and central asia, increasing threat germans remilitarise rhineland 1936
Responsibility for the terror- for the couhtry econ and war no
Due to paranioa-percieved threat from party and rest, any collectivised disgrunteled peasantry
Created more unified workforce without kulaks- break them not a political threat esp holodomaur ukraine
Workers lives imporved urban workers
Industrialisation meant pklentifyl jobs opp
Living stadards imporving 1935 with more consumer goods made
Urban workers coped better with social change than peasnatry with urbans priorised in stalinist system
Workers had regulated hours and wages and access to canteens and shops
Magnitogorsk educatied pop
Stakhanovites- inccreased incentive, rev able to get fresh fruit
1939 contribution technical education
Moscow metro 1938
1930 all children 8-11 must be in schoool- increased 14 to 20 mill. 1925-30
Egalitarianism in wages abolished, increasing inewquality andd ip
1921 oay incentrives introduced byy new head of goslpan klibyshev
Urban workers lives imporved no
Decreased living space in cities moscow 5.5 to 4 sqm
Magnitogorsk still 17.5% living in myd hust
Overcrowding as migrate from rural to urban
1937 av real wages 1928 levels
1935 maternity leave and free education reduced or stopped
Shakkty trial counter rve attacked
Internal passports 1938 and labor books
1940 absenteism crime punishable by death
Family laws 1936u
Informing culture- pavlik morozon
Av food less than 1900 in 1922
Many citties remian without adequadte transport sewage, dependanceo n black market
Impact of ussr on orthodox chruch unde rlenin
Decree seperate church and state- declared church could dnot own property,, schools-
Priests and clerics declared servants of bourgeois
Patriarch tikhen denounced bolshevism
1921 union of militant godlsess organised- at peak 5 mill members, held debated god did not exist, newspaper clergy fat parasite living off peasantry, comm promised new religion
Ritual celebrations bolsehvised- octobered children,
Used famine 1921-22 demandc church surrender valuables for famine- lenin in secret letter confessed for econ not religious reasons
More than 8.000 people executed or killed 1922 anti church
Living church movement backed ogpu hailed rev of oct 1917 as christian doctrine
Mid 1920s- 55% still active chirtsinas
Islamic comm under ussr
Property and weallth siexed
By 1941 25,000 mosques closed and converted into schools and other secular pruposes
Split between islamic church and new mosque
Pilgrimage to mecca banned 1938
Wearing veil forbidden
Backlash in some commnities, murder those tried to oimose
Stalin social rev religion
1929-40 holy days on sunday abolished workers employed 6-7 days per week
Reliigious schools and religious teaching banned
Decrease active ortohodox from 60,000 to just under 6,000 1920s to 30s
Wearing veil forbidden
League of militant godless
Employment women under ussr
1917 47% women urban workforce dropped 1921 as 5 mill men retrun
Women paid less and undskilled lba nep textiles and domestic service
Plus double burden of 5h domestic tasks
1936 family code- outlawed prostitution as capitalist vice
1940- 66% labour light industry women
Divorce ussr
1917 new divroce law
Either partner could terminate on grounds incompatibility, postcard divorce, 70% done by men, 7% mutual
1920s divorce rate 25x britain
1930s high fees and both parties presenta at hearings yyet still 37% iinmoscow
Adultery crminialised and names published in press
Women abandoned when pregnant
Family women lives ussr
1917 legilsation passed allowing for breastfeeding of babeis by mothers at work
Demands for nursereis and milik stations- budgeted more than entire nat budget in 1922
1930s mill orphasns nkvd state run organisation
Family code 1936 tax exemptions of 6plys childrn
Child suport father payments supposed to be 60
5 income but collection diff
Change eductaion and youtgh schoools lenin pro
1919 party programme school institution for the comm transforming f society- learned alphabet comm ideals b bolshevik
Religious teachings to comm values
Forbidden to disciline pupils or set hw
Porgessive learning to develop perosnality
Schooling lenin con
Vast majoirty of teachers not commm 5.5%s econdary and 3.1% primaru- poor understanding pf progressive measures expected of them
Teachers lost authority
Financial pressures mant many schools abandoned- 1925 teachers paid 1/4 industrial worker
Survey 1927 schoolchildren aged 11-13 showed neg towards comm values as got older nearly 50% believed in god
Schoooling stalin
Greater focus on education
Unis could select brightest students rather than proletarian- 66%
No education reached 20 million from 14 between 1929-31
Experienced teachers lacking due to pruges
Challenge literacy ussr
Dec 1919- liquidation of iliteracy - extra cuorses lessons 8-50 1920-26- 5 mill euroepan went on courses
1939 94% towns and 86% countryside literate
Youth organisations
Cultural rev- league militant godless,
Young pioneers- under 15-had to apply - 2 mill mmebers by 1927
Komsomol 14-20 soldiers of production imposed discipline in factories
Why collective security adopted
July 1930 litvinov foriegn commisar who favoured as wanted to prevent war
Lon 1934 reaccepted intern conmm
Fear gemran agression ds mutual assiatcne pact 1935
Why did collective security fail
Lon ineffective - machuria abysinia rhindland anschluss
Hoare leval pact- br and fr exposed as self interested and appeared imperialist and selfish- undermine internat collective security
Absense usa lon weakened sanction susten- much diplomacy conducted outside of league often involving america, undermined its influence and pwoer
Spanish civil war demonstrated br and fr would not intervene to suport republican or even deny w estern nation
Fascist nations contibute directly- german consular legue and italian bomber- franco
Soviets betrayed by west
Conflict confirmed berlin rome axis s 1936 and anti comintern pact 1936 japn joined 1937
Munich agreementsudetenland to germany, without soviets or xechs- suprise of west, no reliable allies, fs pact dead
Spanish civil war
Military revolt against republican gov of spain following king leaving country in 1931
Nationalists catholics landowners welathy supported mussolinin(troops) and condor legue hitler- lufwafes to destroy guernica
Republicans indsutrial workers educated middle class peasantry supported by soviets- who gave aid
Franco won with a nationalist gov for next 40 years
500,000 deaths
Chamberlian saw italy and german strnegyth and so confirmed poucy of appeasement
Soviet control of gold
Winter war
1939-40 stalin concerned about proximity and vulnerability pf leningrad border iwth finaldn 18 miles away, asked if could be pushed back 25 miles more and gain gulf of finland and lease port of hanko as russia n naval base- refused
Soviets storm boarder expecting an easy win
Deaths winter war
200,000 ra vs 25,000 fins
Phase 1 fp
Extract russia from war oct 1917-mar 1918
Treaty bl
Damage west relations as left ww1 early
Lenin oct rev
Phase 2 fp
Civil war 1919-20
Tov gave indepndence to areas siexed in bl
1919 comintern established perment rev
Ie red rev ger, luexberg spartacits
Phase 3 fp
Rp war 1921
Conflict socialism in one country or peermant rev
Mutual agression pact 1922 treaty of rapallo gaining allies
Excluded lon
Zinoviev letter fear socilaism push british away
Stalin support nationalism rather perment rev at 15th party conference
Treaty of berlin 1926 confirmed rapalo
Phase 5 fp
Collective secuirty 1932-39
1932- non agression agreement poland and fr
-34 disarmamnet conference, no one want to be first, ger walked out
1933- litvinov to washington and agreement formal recognition by roosewvelt of ussr, us embassy in moscow
1934- trade agreement with germnay,
Politburo agree join lon
-35 left turn comunism now supprt popular fronts ie fr socialist and communist partyt work together agianst fasicism
1935- pact fr and czech (not popular conmintern czech tov and fr capitalist- mutual assiatcne pact
Hisler cnoscription and mussioni into abysina
1936- remilitarise rhineland
Spanish civil war
Berlin rome axis
Anti comintern pact with jpn join 1937
1938 munich conference betrayal
1938-9- jpn furthered expansion from manchura into nakino
Stalin fp inconsistent and contradictory 1924-39
Loa no- evolved reacting to prooty of security
Collectie security
Relations with ger
Aim avoid war
Collective secuirty- stalin fp not inconsistent and conrtadictory
Seek out western alies litvinov (appt stalin) - internatioalist usa- 1933 open us embassy in moscow
Restrian japanese expanionist trhogh relationship- manchria on border
Collective secuirty - y- Stalins foriegn policy was inconsitsent and contradictory 1924-39
Change foreign policy from chicerin to litvinov
Critic anti british an dpro ger- contradict litvinonv opp
But anti british due to birtish hostility- zinoviev and campbell case
Relations with ger - no- Stalins foriegn policy was inconsitsent and contradictory 1924-39
Promote prioity ussr what need at time
Spansih civil war - trotskysist sin catalan
1939 ns pact grow soveit sphere influence- gain half poland
Arguably rapallo and continuation benefit econ sell grain for industrialise
Relatiosn with ger y - Stalins foriegn policy was inconsitsent and contradictory 1924-39
Supportive with rapallo and maintaining
Arguably betray by joining lon in 1934
Spanish civil war- opp- stalin republicans and ger nationalists
Ns pact change back again
Aim avoid war- no - Stalins foriegn policy was inconsitsent and contradictory 1924-39
Spanish civil war– helped strength prove strnegth and not willing sit aside, leess vuenrable
Ns pact- bide time- ajp taylor - escsped an unequal war in present
Fearful esp treatyu of berlin 1936 gave sudenand
Legacy on ussr stalin
Soveit prestige
Society case for stalin
Reverse divorce laws may help to reduce family breakdown
Embrace russian idenyity later- reinstate holy day 1930
Russification uietd society
Literacy rates increased eg magnitogrowk- by 1957- 75% kluterate
8-11yo 14-20 mill in school
God like dugrue to coonise russia
Industry case against stalin
Achieved through gulags and 2 mill pow ww2
5y plan- targetmania, lack quality, consumer markets
Usa wins in cold war on desirability to lie in
Imperialism case for stalin
Expanded with comecon, cominform
Ee- iron curtain
Nk china
With ideaoogy
Imperialism case against stalin
Tito yugoslavia
China diff ideology
Nk no further than that
Security case against stalin
Us and others had atomic bomb
Seato and sento and nato- alienate other side buffer
Airlifet faild
West mark
Soviet prestige case for stalin
Atomic bomb 1949 superpower
Indusrtail t 34 tanks
Good porpaganda
Stalelite stets propped up
Compete usa
Necessary evil to commnicat- need dialogue
Chinal alliance
Korea war
Mao look up to
Soviet prestige case against stalin
Tarnished with comm and brutality dicttaorship
Never match up usa- has nato to beat satleite state
Sberlin blockade sign wekaness
China not embrace stalinism