Topic 2- Bolshevik Consolidation- Civil War Flashcards
Examples of revellion against b rule 1917-1919
Junker mutiny
Moscow uprising
Chapan rebellion
Czech legion
Junker mutiny
Cadets (young soldiers)- right srs
Called on supporters to rise up against b
Junker cadets from mil academies led in the battles by their instructors
Revolted and occupied academies
Taken to moscow to sieze- wiating for kerensky with cavalry, who didnt turn up due to kerensky-kransvov
The group captured people’s commissar for war
Moscow uprising
Sizeing kremlin
Aim to sieze rest of mosocw
Ended as red guards stormed kremlin- kadets surrender
Mortars and utiliary made more damage than ww2
Chapan rebbellion
3 mar 1919
Frustrated force grain requisition and conscription- village of novodevich attacked a requisitions brigade
First reds sent in to put down unrest, mutinies siding with villagers
Olans to sieze control of gov of samara and simbrban- expanding local regions
How solveed- village burning, conc camps, execution villages, 30% rebelled, 13,000 troops
Kerensky slipped away from winter palace after 9am- ibn american embassy car
7oct- biplane appeared petrograd dropping copied of proclamations bby kerensky- claiming his troops had takebbn tsakoesnev
Krasnov russian tsarist general- hated kerebnsky after kornilov affair- advanced petrograd, 1,000 men occupies tsarskoe selo, put force of red gauds to fight
Trotsky called on red gaurds to made out of city to defend the rv
Krasnov calling reinforced bbut no success- offend provoke b or responsiblty civil war
Poor leadership and weakness
abbandoned red gaurd attack
Czech legion
1914- czechs in russian volunteer to fight against austrian army- some did fight other side
Afte collapse a-h- czechs hoped czech independance
Allies couldnt agree on czech legion- 40,000 men hope reestablish front against germany in russia
Lenin and sovnarkom- saw as own ilitary weakness- want czechs out of country, siberiaian railwa had control
Soviet authority wanted czechs disarmed- suspiciouus of b relationship with central powers
Czech claiming more t-s railway
Civil war spead whole eurasian step
Rebellion due to- inconsistency and discontent with regime, hoped independance (false concessions)
Civil ar events -1917
Oct and feb rev
B sieze power
Press censorship
Land siezure
Class wafare- bourgoise
Banning of liberlas
Establishment of cheka
Civil war events- 1918
Brest litovsk
Trotsky cotrol armed forces
Action s-e
Foriegn intevention
Red terror
Kolchak in command
Brest litovsk
Peace with germany
Left srs resign in sovnarkom
trostsky control armed forces
Reorganise red amr from red gaurd
Reemploy 750,,000 imperial officers and 775 generals
Strict discpline rintroduced and salute and death penalty
Forign itervention civil war- 1918
Northern and eastern rusia
Gbb land archangel
Estabblish anti-b gov
French land odessa
Romanovs- civil war
Shot after taken to ‘house of special designation’
Local soviets orgnised but lenin and sverdlov approved
Red terro
Trigegr after attempt lenin life by right srs- fanny kaplan
Gav lenin excuse to arrest all right srs
Issue decree- order taking of hostages, mass exeuctions and confinedment of class enemies by conc camps
Kolchak in command
As supreme ruler of rusisa
After his supporters overthrew sr anti b gov at omsk- he took control trying to install miliary dictatorship
1919 civil war events
Attack from kolchak
Yudenich assult-west
Attack from denekin
Armistic between estoniaand russia signed
Attack from kolchak
Crossed urals mountains- east
End apr- reds begin counter foffensive driving him back eastwards
Yudenich assult
Adavnced against petrograd- close in north
Forced back red army oct
Attack from denekin
Southern volunteer army move northwards out fo crimea
Decided to push close to moscow- siezed kharnov and tsaristky
Trotsjy offer to resign- refused
Denekin annex orel, forced back later in oct
Trotsky sucessful in mission- enough red army to send denekin south towards crimea- which later get
1920 civil war events
Kolchak kileld
Peace treaties
International forces withdraw from civil war
Russo polish war
Peace treaties 1920
Russia and estonia
Latvia, lithuania, finland- recognised as independant states
Crimea 1920
Wrangel replace denekin- cant fight, evacuated by gb and fr as lack of breakthorughs
Nov- wrangel defeated in south-
Over 1 mill died
Russo polish war
Apr0 poland invaded ukraine, aim to liberate ukraine and secure ukranian regions through eastrn galacian b
Poles capture kieve by red regime
Pushed back to warsaw e
1921 civil war
Treaty of ussian poish treaty, poland self rule, territory from galcian and balkans
Independance baltic states
Decree on peace
1917 26 oct
Plea to other nations for immediate turce and just peace
Lenin convinced revolutions in europe would ensure ace settlements would be reacehd
Peace negotiations
Decree on peace
8 nov- lenin order general dukhonin to contact german mil authority to enter peace negotiations and cease hostility
20 nov0 kronstadt body mutilateed of dukhonin- didnt recognise sovnarkom as central gob, russian soldiers abbandon front line to siexe land
2 dec0 armistace agreed
Bb disrtibute rev pamphlets to german troops around no mans land at treaty b-l
Trotsky arrive- took over negotiations at l- bbought more time through philisophical discussions to allow european rev to take place
Split of party 8 jan
15 jan- argue beter deal
Split of party 8 jan- peace negotiations
Torsky return to petrograd with map showing border
Lenin prepared to accept lmost anything as feared would lose more
Bukharin- central comm- said should try geurilla eoffensive to inspire european rev
15 jan- peace negotiations-
Return bl to argue better deal
Argued b conest of kiev render german ukrainian peace null and void
Germany rejected
Terror during civil war
Middle class enemy
Sell jewelry and clothes for bread
1920s study showed that 42% prostitutes from bougeois
Red terror- after lenin shot
Large sr arrests
Men and sr excluded from soveits
Increase executions -1908-20 increased 13,000, real stat closer to 300,000
Cheka increase class warfare
Labbour and conc camps- for dissenting troublesome workers, peasants
1913-1921- pop russia decreased by 120 mill
Palaces and town houses of rich taken over and living space divided up amongst proletariat
Disease during civil war
Typhus- spread rapidly through lice ridden troops and civilian populatuob
Over 1 mill died- typhus and typhoid - 1920s
Over whole period 4.5mill deaths plus
Urban areas during civil war
Feb 1918- bread rationing in petrograd v low- 50g/day
Cibvil war sausage- horse meat
Worker start to flee from city, factory staff needed for munitions- barter for foot
Less than 1/3 urbban diet from state provisioned rations
Black market- bag men travel around selling produce, swap handmade goods for food
Choas in factory- lack of control- decrees on workers
Increase opp from workers, anarchists, lefts,
Woerker- economy, low food rations, state violence- new soviet elections, free press, ca
Anarchists0 reject authoritarian control of gov
Left wing groups against
Treaty bl
Wanted wart o restart to get beter position
Captured dzerzinsky head of cheka
Shot lenin
Corruption during civil war
Many areas run bbby local mafias of bol officers- lived well as others ufered and starved
5,000 b and their families lived in kremlin and hotels in moscow with french trained chefs
Critics procliamed from corrupt b officers and wives of mistrises went around with ‘jewelry shop window hanging round their necks
Brutaliity during civil war
Cossaks in south raped and murdered villages of jews in pogroms- 115,000 deaths in ukraine alone, claimed jews supported bby b
Whites shot miners who didnt produce enough coal- donbass region - rostov- hundred red miners burned alibve
Kharnov- reds nailed epaullettes of officers to their shoulders while still alibve
Increased opposition- calling new soviet elections, free press and rstoration of ca
Countryside life during civil war
Value of rouble collapsed= shortage of goods led to soaring price inflation, refuse to hand over grain
335 agricultural land not used
Rich wheat areas of ukraene fell outside b control
Grain requisition wit help cheka to fill quotas even if peasants refuse- retailiation peasants murder b officials
Leniinn tied to ignite class wafare agianst peasants- no ffewer than a hundred well known kadests’ ‘take place in full view of the pepole’, peasants didnt and retailated- stop planting next sseason
Cuases of dissent
Soviet economy in total ruin
Total collapse- decrease farmers
Bread rations fell
Starvation and disease
Deaths increase city pop 1914 to 1920- fall from 2,2mill to 0.6mill
Political division too
Peasant resentment civili war
By 1921- no possibility of decisive white victory
Grain requisition cause resentment- 118 seperate uprising in 1921
Tambov region- 70,000 strong rebevellion-tough for red army until posien cas in 1922
Great famine civil war
1921 great famine in russia
Samora rainfall from 33 mm to 0.3mm in 1921
Illegal trade human flesh beigin as forging increase
Death tol as highe as 8mill
War comm and grain requisition encourage discontent
Urban strikes civil war
Food ration fall to 1thrd 1921-
Food demonstrations- cheka broke as ordinary soldiers reduse to fight against
Dislike militarisation of catories- worker imprisoned or shot if targets not met
State hijacked ty and took political control- calls for ‘soviet without communists’
Martial law imposed in moscow and petrograd
Political divisisions- civil war
Workr oppoistion grew under kollontai and shylaprinkov- wanetd workers to take more control of own affairs and support campaigns against reintrouction of single managers
Critc tristky plan to make use of ty as methords of political control and b gain in war comm
Kronstadt uprising
Hotbed for anarchiist radicalisation
Crews of petropaulosh and seeratopol had emergency meeting and investigated
Support empire, 30,000 soldier military in hope of 3rd rev- no central comm, autonomous, sovnarkom over gov
60,000 ra troop deal with dissents
Red try to sieze fortified island- tukachevsky leader under ra control
Ringleader round up and shot, 15,00 sailors sent to l=first big labour camp on white sea
Claim not part of sfighters in 1917 rev- killed civil war- not some forout in rev- however argued kronstadt always had large no fo sr and anarchsist and less b
How important were unity and organisation to red victory in civil war -
V important
Terror and removal opp
How important were unity and organisation to red victory in civil war - organisation yes
Trostky control red guard 1918- reemploy 750,000 officers and 775 generals from iperal army with experience and discipline, discipline esp important (reintroduce salute, death penalty, reusede democratisation
Military strnegyh prove imporantant- counteroffensive against kolchak eastward denekin sva pushed back and crimea siezed- when denekin replaced with wrangel lacked strongl leader
How important were unity and organisation to red victory in civil war - organisation no
Reverse democratisation unpop- mutiny kronstadt uprisning against increasingly dictatorial regimes eg 2 freedom of speech
However arguably white only shorter term sucess- jolchack omsk gov firmeer military dctatorships, officer remove by coup
Peasants 118 uprising 1918 feb, not good control whole country
How important were unity and organisation to red victory in civil war - unity yes
Geographically compared to whites had politcial and industrial centres= whites diff- lacked war munitions factory, kolchak east denekin s ydenich north
Control densest raailway- helpful communication movement troops and resources
United under ideaology inite class arfare, idea war compromise soob to over, whites only similar anti b, lost anti democracy, return old ways
Leadeorhio clearly lenin for eds. whites mixed
How important were unity and organisation to red victory in civil war - unity no
Whites lacked unity ideology with whites jist being anti black
Diff groups foriegn- gb fr jpn usa officer
Disunity within soveit party- worker opp with kpllontai
How important were unity and organisation to red victory in civil war - -terror and removal opp yes
Red terror attempt on lenin ife by sr (fanny kaplan) giving excuset o persecute s
But then mazss execution class enemy- executions 1908 to 20 increased 3000 realisticallyty 300,000
Peasantry better compared tto whites, still closer ideologically socilaist conmpared to old tsarist leadership
Labour conc camps for troubled worker peasantry
How important were unity and organisation to red victory in civil war - terror and removal opp no
Brutally agonised peasantry practise tehnic cleaning, driving more peasants futrher awau. Desertion rate v high in white army
Cossaks civil war
June 40,000 cossaks had joined general krasnov don army
Mass conscriptions
Introduced june
Factory workers and party activists first o be called up
40,000/275,000 peasants recuirts expeted actually appeared- peasants didnt want to leave villlages at harevst time
Size of red army grew
1 mill men 1919 spring, 3 mill 1920, 5 mill end of civil war
Cheka torture methods
Kharkov - glove trick - put hand in boiling water until blistered skin could be peeled off
Bolsheviks adopted policies to weaken fmailu ties
Took marriage away from control of the church and turned divroce simple registratino
Membership of komsomol
1 milll members in 1925, 4% of 15-23 year olds
Starting a communist career