Topic 1- Dissent And Rev- Essay Plan- Key Themes Flashcards
Why did rev occur feb 1917
Political- -feb rev
Failure to politically reform
Whilst have duma, tsar in control
Oct manifesto cement this- fundemental laws
Stolypin- diidnt like viiolence so dissolved duma after riots in 1907
Assassinated in 1911
‘First pacifism, then, and only then, reform’ - removed political voice
Gov ttsarina alexandra
Undermined by rasputin and surrounded by syophants- making advisers pointless
German- less faith
Tsar 1915 control army- progressive bloc and snr officers plan coup- army geerals q control
Political- feb rev -no
Rasputin more fictional- supported by peasantry as one of them
Duma cause anger not failure to politically reform
1914 duma agree dissolve to support tsar war effort
Regardless- more power to tsar
Concessions made
Economic- feb rev
Inflation and real wages fell
Caused by war effort and costs associated
eg loss of workforce ww1- 2.5mill soldier died
Long term- economic backwardsness- industrialisation late on, emphaiss on agriculture- weak reliant on weather
Av ffamily- cost of living increased 300% 1917
Grain hoarded
Economic- no- feb rev
Grain hoarding not gov responsibility
Industry strained and train stifled by blocked communication to west- lack of raw materials and supplies- war
Ww1- feb rev
Failures eg mansurian lakes on northern fornt
G defeat r- sep 1915
125,000 casulties
Tsar 1915 make himself leader army- responsibility al failures
German occupation of poland removed vital industry and trading capacity
1.5mill defects 1917
Galacian campaign- lost all austrian territory in galicia, losing poland later too
Ww1- feb rev - no
Greater economic drive behhind war
Zemgov and war industry commission- convert from domestic goods to ammunitions
Oct rev- why occur
Policies of b
Weakness kerensy
Army and ww1
Oct rev- party
B led by intelligensia- well organised, small no profesisonal revolutionaries
Lenin apr thesis and oct rev
Postponing oct rev- all russian congress- more legit
Clearer party line and greater organisation and more preparation time
In contact with people- leadership petrograd soviet (increased membership from 23k to 300k feb to oct) and 10,000 red gaurds- helf together all factions
Kornilov affiar- seen as heroic - arrested rather than fled
51% moscow city duma
4/7 soviet exec com
During oct rev- 15/18 units petrograd, avility to support rather pg
Party- not- ooct rev
Intelligensia- out of touch
Weakness pg
Coalition gov- divided with diff party- socilaist and liberals
No election- uunpopular- lack of authority, esp considering after feb rev
Scope for action limited with soviet sholding power
Moderate socialists became increasingly left wing- lost contact with core supporters
Liberals increasingly right wing- kadet- alarmed by workers/socilaism
Policies of b- oct rev
Popular to end war
All power to the soviets
Peace land and bread- land to peasnats to nationalise
B oppose pg and urge overthrow
Socialist parties associated with pg oppose to them, meant support b
Policeies of b- not oct rev
More policies pg that faileed
Failure to legitimise peasant land takeover
Opression similar to tsarist regime
Cant involve war, econ policy ineffective, treatment of minoriity (lost support, self- determination)
Weakness of kerensky- oct rev
Faileed summer offebnsive- collapse 3 days- desertion, high casulties
Kornilov affair - b needed to fight against kornilov (Wanted to crush radicals)- too extreme
Underestimate strength bb in oct
Weakness of kerensky- oct rev- no
Relied on b to rise up- oportunism
Lenin- oct rev
Ideology- forefornt socialism- what is to be done, the statee and revolution
Inspiring apr thesis- soviets sole power, not work with pg, decree on land, decree on peasants, get out of war
Head of b party
In exile- barrage of letters
Vote- armed uprising the order of the day- 10 v 2
Lenin hid 24-25 oct- head bol- key target
Lenin- oct rev- no
Trostky more in contact with people- unite factions
Arrested kornilov affair
Postpone oct rev
Army and ww1- oct rev
Mil rev comm set up- 200,000 red guaurd, 60000 kronstadt, petroograd garrison
T organise milrev kom- skill and knowldge of strategic position
23 oct- 1000s rifles distribbuted bol red gaurds- now armed
Luck- oct rev
Kornilov affair- b used, chance to prove themselves
Oct rev- pg gave up
Economy worsen and war situation
Anger of proleariat
Radicalised workers to favour sovoiets