To Go Over- Part 3 Flashcards
Why did ra perform so badly 1941- german tatcical capability
Blitzkrief swept all before across poland 1939 and balkans spring 1941
Intention was to rpeeat tacticals sucessful in fr
German air power- 3500 aircrafts in lufwaffe- most powerful and experiences air force, no focus on soviet in jun 1941
Pilots experienced, guernica
Ger strategy why ra badly 1941
German military intelligence overemphasised effect of reorganised follow ra performance in winter war finland 1940
Brandenburgers- first germans across- pparachute into territory or on board goods trains- in poland wore civilian clothes, siezed key strategic points
3key points go south go central go north- encircle
War of inhillation- kill destory pillage- creatin fear
Ra perform so badly 1941- soviet command and communication
Command, control centers artierial roads to boarder were targeted and destroyed lyfwaffe- max confusion
Lack of radio communication meant culdnt cooperate- landlines which meant could be cut as no commercial ones- stalin couldnt trust radio
Ger forces able to crack soviet communications across 1800km front, paralyse communications between 20km wide zone helf by nkvd- unable communicate politburo, resort flag signals
Stalin made decisions despite little military experoiecne
Panzer groups sped past- 100km to east- leaving infantry and anti tank guns to shoot up lightly equped soviet forces
Operation barbarossa
3 mill men
3 army groups
North- baltic states to leningrad
Centre to moscow
South to ukriane and caucuses
Soviet setbacks- phase 1
Early sept- 4 mill russiian tropps killed wounded or capitured and 180,000 ger
Since pruges set back signif
600,000 surrender
Soveit forces rapidly expelled from baltic states and leningrad under siege
1942 spring offensive
Av soldier only basic traing 141
227 not a single step back- penal battalions- july 1942
Minsk fall quickly
Moscow attempt push back overcome
Communicatiosn weak no radio
Deaths leningrad
Leningrad high deaths- 4000/day in jan, comp 52,000whole dec- yet claimed 600 died in siege
1/3 pop died
Aug 1942- feb 1943
Part of operation blue
Mission led by zhukov
Poor ger moral, soviet pincher offensive, cut off ger troops as hitler ordered to stay- 250,000 cut off
Weather conditions worsened- soveits took airfields
Wounded men left to die, clothes with fleas
After soviet forces came upon pauius (ger) hq jan 1943 90,000 soldiers into captivity, 6,000 return decade later
Sep 1942- jan 1942
Zhukov defends army suffered 20x ger caulties but wehtmacht could advance no further
59 frein troops diverted from east
Ger retreat but poor soveit offensive led to 500,000 deaths and 20,000 ger
Operation typhoon meant hitler scaled down plan for 1942 summer offenseive
Soviet setbacks phase 2
1942 summer to summer 1943
Moscow higher deaths- half mill to ger 20,000 huigh attritional rate
Ger get donbass- cut off cuacuases on soviets
Babi yah 30,000 jews killed
Felll of rostov- on don strategic loss- staliin refused to allow an evacuation of stalingrad- cuased 1 million ra high civilian deaths
Stage 2 soveit sucess
Moved industrial areas
Soviet sucess stage 3
Leningrad ultiately victorious- helfd by citizens
Krusk only 5 tnks lost- use of dummy tanks
Plans more effective and better leadership zhukov
Massive iffensive pushed dec 1943- gained latvia lithuania belarus bulgaria
Beat allies to ebrlin\
Stalin role as figurehead pro
Comrades citizens brothers and sisters- stalin speech motiae many 3 july 141
First speech since offensive
Simonev recallled ‘my firends’ moves us t tears
Spoke of patriotci war of all people
Stayed in moscow- symbolic on a film recorded - §
Stalin wartime ruthelesness con
Battle stalingrad 135,000 shot
270 and 227
Victory resilience ra
3% male consciprt born 1923 survive until 1945
Figes soviet greatest weapon
Ra troppo transfer from eastern were hardned isberian warroers
Sense of patriotism from ferocious resistance
Vas rosuces in mandpower allowed suicidal sacrifices exhaust ger
270 and 227
War of tatition
Moscow and stalingrad
Victory partisan activities
Stalin demanded create partisan guerilla units in ger occupied territory
1941 members of partisans and komosomol help patrisans
Mid 1942 each partisan group has nkvd cell attached
Tanya- propaganda tool- teenage gril patrisna tortuered and interrogated by ger= last words stalin is with us
victory allied support
1941 fdr land lease act- import tanks and jeaps- 1/3 soviet vehicles from abroad
Land lease 5% ussr gdp
Spam food us
Blestchley park decoded naxi code
1945 d day new front
1943 mass bombings raf and usad- weakend industrial heartland ger
Industrial probelms post war
Nove- years- odly shapeless peirod- econ policy ideas rfrozen into their pre war moulds
Factories left in ruins, mines floods, shousands km of track and rolling stofk destoryed
70% insudtrial production left in western occupied region
145-46- mining halved, electircity 52% capcity, steel 45% pre war level
Losses from war
Mass migration 12 million 1944-45 to west
Casulties over 29 million- 84% died wiunded or capitured
Total deaths around 17 milll
1700 towns 7000 villages decimated- 25 mill homelss,
Agri problems posrt war
Nearly 40% jikjihoz stopped functioning
Many peasants return privatised famrs
Heavy loss life
Shortage 137000 traactors
Food production 1940. 60% level
Grain procurement 70%- lead to famine
Main aims policies for industry
4th 5y plan 1946-50
85% investment devoted to ehavy industries and cpautal goods- consumer goods take back seat
33% plan target ukraine
Exceed pre war levels
Increas elabour output- leningrad 30h/month ontop 8 hour days, 2 mill prisoner of wars
Main aims agri
Kolkohoz reformed
Cenyral conttol
1948 stalin plan for the trandformation of nature= plants in unsuitible paces
Stalins writining not allowd challngng - ie economic problems of socialism in ussr 1952- more jsutification of soviet policu than attampt to identify reofmr or innovation in countryside
Sucess agri
Provate plots kept affloat
Some recovery but still beow 1940-52- 95.6 to 92.2
Sucess agri
Provate plots kept affloat
Some recovery but still beow 1940-52- 95.6 to 92.2
Setbacks and failures industry
Few resources consumer goods
Lt growth trends slower western europe
Incressingly produce new consumer gods for bop- tv vaccum cleaners yet exported not sold domestically
Setbacks and failures agri
Crop rotation- unsituiale grasses enforced
Ideas of lysenko unsuitable yet encouraged
Tax increse eg fruit tax
Villages left no electircity or materials to rebuild post war
Phasing out rationing led to tgreat pressur eto incrrease output
Deval of rouble= dec 1947- gods cheaper cities but wipe out peasants savings
4th 5y plan
Most investment in heavy industry
Industrial output increased 80% 45-50
Oikl coal steel electicity rose
By 1950 some factories suprlass pre war levels
Discpiline at work
Few consumer goods- limited impact living standards, deval rouble 1947 made worse as destroyed svaings
Fastest growing econ in owordl
Terror return political control
Maintain role as vozhd
Stalins attempt limit power of his rivals
Almsot all politburom members live in fear
Played rivals agianst each oher- uutilise a ivide and rule approach- pre war strategy
Cut leningrad party in size
Why did terror return post gpw
Character stalin
Political control
Strength nkvd- beria
Cold war context
Fear tool of control
Censorship to tighten conrtol post gpw
Holywood banned
Function of writers union was educatie on bol rev- 1948 turn on soviet composer not fullyl reflect glovrious victory- eateing out of the hands of the eneemy
Destroy intelligensia
Chemsists arrested but physicians more safe due to nuclear project
Einstein left
Mingrelian case
Accused party offials in 1951 in georgeia of collaborate western powers
Officers mostly mingrelin ethnic gorups georgeia- beria too- aim to limit his power
Georgians also wanted indepdnence
Doctors plot
Blame jewish doctors for killing zdanov as part of us zionist polit
Israel formed 1948
Remove jewish anti fascist group
Report made in 1948 yet not used until 1952
Several thousand jews disappear to gulags
Anti jewish press
Leningrad affari
Escalated from attacks on vozneghi to major purge of leading officials
Executed oct 1950
2000 officials form city dismissed from posts, exiled and replaced pro stalin groups
Remove opp-stalin terror post gpw
Remobe general zkukhov and other high officers- odesa to urals- potentially celebrated war hero
Mingrelian case- anti berial
All returned pow arrested or interrogate-d open to ideas, paanoia
Opp oliltburo- pit against each other, imrpison kalinin and molotov wide as jewish
Prueg leningrad party
Terror tighten control
Increased counter rev activity
Seperate nkvd into domestic and foiregn with beria head- mgb abroad, mvp domestic
Increased use gulags- 2.5 mill, 12 mill wartime survivors passed through lab camps
1/5 army came back- rest lab camps- fear been better
Gulag labour in war
Produce 15% of all soveit amunition
Could be worked until died- 1942 death rate 25%
But could be replenished by pow and collaborators with enemy or nationalist
Shift leadership during war
Away from stalin to military council dominated by political officers, to general staff which took the lead in planning operations and kept party leadership informed
Forcibly expelled 5 milll ger living there
Move border to river oder not in yalta agreement
Ussr n 1947
Soveits demand massive reparations of ger
Americans refuse so r refuse accept byrnes open door migration policu
Poland czechoslovakia hungary applied world bank for loan yet refused
1944 china
Kmt nat defeated by jpn high inflation gov corruption undermining chiang leadership
Mao deveops idea repleace chiang as one party dictatiorship with coalition gov nc ccp
Chiang refuse
1945 china
Yalta agreed ussr declare war jpn 3 months after surrender ger- assisting americans
Ussr not know atoomic bombs, so started invading 1manchurian when us droppped bomb and jpn surrender
Soveit war on japn mao support ussr assuming that would not accept kmt victory- yet did with chiang rrecognised with sino soveit treaty, joint control chinese eastern rsilwr
1947 china
Marshall misson failed, leading to re eruption of civil war
Sec state us aim nat gov with ccp minority
1947 china
Marshall misson failed, leading to re eruption of civil war
Sec state us aim nat gov with ccp minority
1948 china
Mao ordered offensives and advances into central china- stalin backed
Kovalev commisar for transport- repair bridges and railways- advance ccp troops and improve communications between ussr and mao
Limited us assistance meant chiang defeated
Nato pact
1950 china
Mao visit moscow to celebrate stalin 70th birthday- sino soviet pact negoitioan
Mao a big politcal asset to deal with imepralist counrties in the world
Pact agreed
Coop if attacked usa jpn, peace tals w japan, consult each other on matters mutually improtant
Ussr suppied with cheap tungsten and tin for 10y
Stalin provides military support p[rc inc estbalishment air defence installations in coastal areas nr taiwan
1947 cold war
Cominform formed
Rakosi hungary
Marshall plan
Truman doctrine
West mark
Introduced into occupation zones june 1948
Along with bizenia united british and america
Soveit repsonded iwth berlin blockade- blockimg off electricity and orad, rail base across to west berlin
Airlift from allies
Salami tactics in czechoslovakia
Comm came to power coup feb 1948
Pruge oppositionists from police to provoke resignition of opposition parties from gov
Initimidate president benes to concede to demand for comm dictted gov
Cominform policies imposed
Mass arrests kulaks
Heroes labour promoted versions of stakhanovites
Portraits stalin displayed everywhere
Every school child learn russian, language requirement job where higher education called for- russification
Korean war
Ra nk 1945
Us propose divide on 38th parallel but kim il sung want unite under comm
Parties created both sites and lead
Soveits withdraw 1948 but left arms delievriies- increasing wepoans by 1950 which allowed north to dominate in sourth
But west with us british push back quickly
Soviet objectives for far east
Security- manchuria
Spread ideology
Econ0 tungsten armaments
Comerical interests- port arthur
Nk backup if china failed
Comintern 1921-34
1921 and 1923 support uprisings in ger
Origionally stalin comitted to socialism in one country vs trostlky permenat rev- cominetern not stalin priority 1924-29 main focus stability and consoldating power
Zinoviev president 1919-28 post united opposition= salin apoint molootov
1928- sixth congress- stalin social fascists should be attacjed and therefore:
Used as tool of stalin in top down control- appt loyal followers to comintern. Discipline imposed on comm parties from ger italy-soviet agents sent abroad to infltrate parties report back to moscow
1929 stalin in total control to push trhough stalin rev at home and aborad
Later used with salami tactics
Soviet policies ger- how far soviet rehab fp 1921- 34
Rapallo treaty 1922- reestablish diplomatic ties, financial ties, promise econ ccop,ended isolation
Germany offered train red army in tank warfare and military-cant on own as tov
Aided r industrailise 1932 47% imports germany
1925 locarno treaty- better relations ger, gb, fr- worried r, left alone
Treaty of berlin 1926 confirmed rapallo, neutrality of either attack another popwoer, military and econ ties, credit from ger banks until 1929
1918-24 r completely isolated in europe
Russias image
Isolated r ger no
Rapallo 1922
Both outcasts post war
Isolated r ger
Anger from popular fronts such as spartacists upsiing
Bl and early exit outcast from west
Isolated r br y
Zinoviev letter
Tuc sent money and returned
Not recoginsed 1918/19
Not invted or rep 1919/20 peace conferences
Isolated brtan no
1921 trade deal and recognised
Invited to genoa conference 1922
Visited by tuc deputies in 1920 and 24
Tom mann british comm party in 1920
Cominform r isolated no
Popular fronts showed how connected 1919 spartacists g ger and hungarian republc
Cominofrm and image isolated r
Alienated further
R defeated in rp war
Kill romanovsm cancell debt repaymenet sand plegde world rev