Topic 6 - (Microbiology and pathogens) Microbial Techniques Flashcards
Microbial Techniques:
4 ways of measuring growth:
- cell counts
- dilution plating
- area + mass of fungi
- optical methods
Ways of measuring growth:
Cell Counts?
- bacteria + single elled fungi cultered in nutrient broth
- counted using a microscope + haemocytometer
Ways of measuring growth:
Dilution plating?
- used to find total viable cell count
- culture diluted until colonies can be counted
Ways of measuring growth:
Area + mass of fungi?
- diameter measured + compared or mass found from centrifugation
Ways of measuring growth:
Optical methods?
- the amount of light that can pass through a culture is measured
2 problems with culturing microorganisms?
- mutant strain may arise that’s pathogenic
- pathogens from enviroment may contaminate
How are microorganisms cultured?
Describe the Aseptic culture technique:
- ## obtain the microorganism you want to culture
What are the 4 phases of microorganism growth?
in order
4 phases of microorganism growth and what they mean
lag - microorganisms are adjusting to environment before reproducing
(means the pop wont increase at max in log phase)
log - pop size grows exponentially - every round of division doubles pop size. suffiecient number of nutrients
stationary - pop = maximum due to decreased nutrient levelsand build up of toxic substances
death - lack of nutrients ^ toxicity in products + death of organisms
Aseptic culture technique
what are the appropriate nutrients in a broth?
The medium also needs to be enriched in potein from a blood/yeast/meat extract
Some microorganisms need a very specific combination of nutrients and therefore need to be grown in a selective medium (containing a very specific balance of nutrients) - Why is this useful?
- this meany only specific bacteria will grow in it and e.g mutant strains won’t
streak plate:
process of inoculating?
streak plate:
* steralise inoculating loop by flaming (blue)
* dip in culture
* sterile plate
* at least 3 streaks straight or zig zag, turn, streak which must overlap from first streak, turn, streak to obstain single colonies
spread plate:
process of inoculating?
spread plate:
* drop some on and use a sterile spreader to distribute it
If looking for single colonies: then incubate the plate and use an inoculating loop to take off individual colonies
What conditions do broths produce?
Anoxic conditions
what does anoxic mean?
a place or environment lacking oxygen
anoxic vs hypoxia
(not needed but just for just)
- The complete lack of oxygen delivery to an organ
- Hypoxia - when an organ experiences oxygen delivery that is insufficient to meet the metabolic needs of the tissue