Topic 18 Flashcards
Intraspecific competition
interaction between individuals of the same species brought about by a shared requirement for a resource in limited supply
Intraspecific competition results in
reduced survival, growth, and/or reproduction of some individuals
2 types of intraspecific competition
- exploitation (scramble)
- interference (contest)
Exploitation (scramble) competition
individual responds to a decreases level of a limited resource remaining after it have been exploited by other individuals. they DONT interact directly.
Interference (contest) competition
individual actually prevents another from exploiting a limited resource within a portion of the habitat. DO interact directly
Results of competition
decrease net energy gain, energy loss increase and energy gain decrease
Low competition =
reduced growth
Moderate competition =
reduced growth, and reproduction
High competition =
reduced growth, reproduction, survival
Consumption rates decrease with..
increasing number of competitors (density dependent)
Ideal free distribution
resources aren’t evenly distributed (are in patches)
Aggregative response in ideal distribution
predators concentrate where prey density is high. due to high consumption rates
Competitive interactions in ideal distribution can lower…
consumption rates, patches w highest prey density is not always the best
Model assumptions of ideal distribution
- number of prey patches that vary in quality
- competitors are ‘free’ to exploit all patches (can move ‘freely’ among patches)
- individual prey consumption rates decline with increasing numbers of competitors in the patch
- individuals have equal competitive abilities
- animals distribute themselves ‘ideally’ among patches to obtain highest consumption rates (maximize net energy gain to ensure high fitness)`
At equilibrium distribution
the consumption rates of individuals are equal for all competitors in all patches
Can be a dynamic equilibrium if..
individuals are constantly moving among the available patches.
Individuals in lowest quality patch will not gain..
access to more prey if they move to a higher quality patch
Ideal free distribution
pre cut, weighed bread pieces. identify individual ducks, same input rate at A and
B. total of 33 ducks, predict 17 ducks per station. did distribute exactly as predicted, station A x2 > station B. second predict 11 ducks at station b.