Topic 125 - Anatipestifer disease and disease caused by Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (WHITE) Flashcards
What is anatipestifer disease?
A disease that resemble pasteurella and affects mainly ducks below 2 months of age
Occurrence of anatipestifer disease
Common in large scale flocks
Causative agent of anatipestifer disease
Rimerella anatipestifer
Susceptible hosts of anatipestifer disease
Duck ⭢ mainly
Turkey is also susceptible
How is the resistance of Rimerella anatipestifer?
How can anatipestifer disease be spread?
- Wild birds
!! no germinative infection !!
Route of infection in case of anatipestifer disease
Per os
Sometimes wounds
Pathogenesis in case of anatipestifer disease
1. Infection
2. Predisposing factors cause the clinical signs
3. There is a septicaemia and there is a damage to the endothelium of the small blood vessels and there is an increase of permeability
4. Death
Clinical signs in case of anatipestifer disease
Seen in ducklings younger than 2 months = sudden death
1. Diarrhoea - watery and green
2. Nasal discharge
3. Sneezing
4. CNS sign
5. Stargazing
1. Stunting
2. Arthrithis
PM lesions in case of anatipestifer disease
= generalised disease
Fibrinous serositis
Fibrin in abdominal cavity and in pericardium
Arthritis ⭢ chronic form
How to diagnose anatipestifer disease
Epidemiological data, clinical signs and PM lesions will give a good diasnosis
BUT, we need to detect the agent: Bacterium isolation and PCR
How to treat anatipestifer disease
AB in water as mass treament
The animals remain carriers !!!
How to prevent anatipestifer disease
- Isolation of the animal
- All-in-all-out
- Avoiding predisposing factors
4 vaccines
Step 1-3 can avoid the disease
Type of vaccine used against anatipestifer disease
Inactivated ⭢ Type specific protection
Live ⭢ used in USA