Topic 122 - Pasteurellosis of swine and rabbits (WHITE) Flashcards
Name the different pasteurellosis of swine:
- Acute haemorrhagic septicaemia
- Pneumonia
- Atrophic rhinitis
Occurrence of acute haemorrhagic septicaemia of swine
Sporadic, rare in Europe.
Appears mainly in tropical countries
Causative agent of acute haemorrhagic septicaemia of swine:
Pasteurella multocida
Clinical signs of acute haemorrhagic septicaemia of swine:
Oedema on the neck
Cyanotic skin, generally seen on neck and brisket
Skin necrosis, seen above the oedema
PM lesions in case of acute haemorrhagic septicaemia of swine:
Enlarged lymph nodes
Haemorrhagic gastroenteritis
How to diagnose acute haemorrhagic septicaemia of swine:
Isolation of the agent from the lesions
Treatment for acute haemorrhagic septicaemia of swine:
AB, but due to the fast onset, the probability of recover is quite low
Prevention methods for acute haemorrhagic septicaemia of swine:
No effective preventing methods, because the predisposing factors are not known
Vaccination is not done because the disease is sporadic
Occurence of pneumonic form of pasteurellosis in swine
Worldwide, quite common
Causative agent for pneumonic form of pasteurellosis in swine:
P. multocida A - sometimes D
!! They are non toxin producing strains !!
Age most susceptible to pneumonic form of pasteurellosis in swine
Growers and fattening pigs
How is pneumonic form of pasteurellosis in swine infected?
By inhalation
Predisposing factors of pneumonic form of pasteurellosis in swine:
Pathogenesis of pneumonic form of pasteurellosis in swine
1. Infection by inhalation
2. Colonisation on the upper respiratory tract and tonsils
3. Asymptomatic carriage
4. With predisposing factors: the bacteria replicates, reaching high cell count and reaches the lungs
5. Sometimes the bacteria can enter the blood stream, but mainly limited to the lungs
Clinical sign of pneumonic form of pasteurellosis in swine
Nasal discharge
Severe cases: decreased weight