Topic 116 - Fowl paratyphoid. Reduction of Salmonella carriage of poultry, salmonella reduction programs, and their control (RED) Flashcards
Occurrence of fowl paratyphoid
Worldwide, quite a frequent problem
Causative agent of fowl paratyphoid:
Many different serotypes
S. Enteritidis
S. Typhimurium
Is fowl paratyphoid a obligate or facultative pathogen?
Type of infection in case of fowl paratyphoid:
Horizontal, vertical and germinative
Susceptible age of fowl paratyphoid:
Decreases with the age
Route of infection in case of fowl paratyphoid:
Per os
Pathogenesis of fowl paratyphoid:
1. there is an infection
2. Bacteria settles in the gut, causing damage to the gut epithelium and lymphoid organs
3. in some cases, in very young chickens, it can cause septicaemia
4. Bacteria reaches the parenchymal organs
Clinical signs of fowl paratyphoid:
in duck and geese: purulent conjunctivitis, weak legs and incordination
Chicken: Becomes part of the normal gut flora
There are no clinical signs, excpet for in pigeon: Diarrhoea, CNS signs, arthritis
How to diagnose fowl paratyphoid:
Bacterium isolation
Sometimes detection of antibodies are useful
Treatment of fowl paratyphoid
AB is generally not good, due to the high carriage of bacterium. It is important to eliminate predisposing factors
In EU: salmonella reduction projects and AB treatment is exceptional
Prevention methods in case of fowl paratyphoid:
- Hygiene ⭢ Collection of eggs, hatching, settlement, keeping
- Excluding convalescent herds from breeding
- Insect and rodent control
- Probiotics
- Reduction
- Vaccines
Type of vaccines used against fowl paratyphoid
Serotype specific vaccine against S. Enteritidis and S. typhimurium
We use live and inactivated vaccines, and the animals are continuously vaccinated
Causative agent of asymptomatic salmonella carriage in chickens:
salmonella infantis
Pathogenesis of asymptomatic salmonella carriage in chickens:
Limited to the intestinal tract
Simultaneously and periodically shedding of the salmonella
Duties of the farmer in case of control of salmonella carriers in a Breeding flock:
1. On day 0 = Hatching papers are sampled
2. On week 4 = faeces are sampled ⭢ 5 boot samples or 1 boot sample + dust
3. 2 weeks before laying = Faces are sampled ⭢ boot samples
4. Every 2 weeks during laying = faecal sampling and dead eggs
Official sampling methods in case of control of salmonella carriers in a Breeding flock:
- First 4 weeks of laying
- Middle of laying
- Last 8 weeks of laying
Duties of the farmer in case of control of salmonella carriers in a Laying flock:
1. On day 0 = Hatching papers are sampled
2. 2 weeks before laying= faeces are sampled ⭢ 2 pairs of boot samples
3. Every 15 weeks
Official sampling methods in case of control of salmonella carriers in a Laying flock:
If a farm size is bigger than 1000, we test one flock per farm with collection of 2 pair of boot samples and dust
Duties of the farmer in case of control of salmonella carriers in a Broiler flock:
Send faecal boot sample within 3 weeks of slaughtering
Official sampling methods in case of control of salmonella carriers in a Broiler flock:
If herd size is bigger than 5000, we test 10% of the farms per year, we collect 2 pairs of boot samples
How do we evaluate the samples sent in from the farmers in case of salmonella carriers:
The whole process takes 5-6 days !!
1. Pre-enrichement = 18-24 hours to make them detectable
2. Selective enrichement = 24 hours
3. Plating and incubation = 24 hours
4. Biochemical tests = 48-73 hours